Hello, singers!

Chorus rehearsals resume tomorrow, Monday, August 26 at 7:30 p.m. and we are excited to welcome you back! I have several announcements to share with you in preparation for our first rehearsal. Please read over them carefully.

1) Rehearsal, Dues Payments, and Music Pick-up: This season we are back at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 300 E Rosemary St, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.

We will be ready for you at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow night. Remember your first dues installment of $50 must be paid in order for you to receive your music. We can take cash, check, credit cards, and, new this year, Apple Pay or Google Pay.

You can also pay online here: Annual Dues: https://squareup.com/store/womens-voices-chorus/item/full-season-dues or here Partial Dues: https://squareup.com/store/womens-voices-chorus/item/season-dues. If you need to make special arrangements for dues, please contact Karla (kmkbyrnes@gmail.com).

This is an open rehearsal for anyone interested in joining WVC and there will be auditions before and after rehearsal. Please be welcoming to all our guests and gracious if you are asked to share music with them.

2) Holy Trinity Space: We are fortunate to be at Holy Trinity for our rehearsals.  Please stay in the upstairs areas.  If you have questions about the space see Cheryl Denardo, Logistics Chair (Alto 1) or Sarah Zink, Holy Trinity Liaison (Alto 2.)

3) Returning Member Packet has been attached below for your reference. Please read it for new information.

4) Nametags:  Any returning members who need a new name tag for any reason should contact Meg Berreth (midwifemeg@yahoo.com). Please be sure to wear your nametag if you have it so our guests know who you are.

5) Music: Important notes about your Music Packet from our acting librarian, Barbara Tremblay (Alto 2.)

  • Please count your music immediately after receiving your packet. You should have 11 pieces. See Barbara if your count is different.
  • Please be cautious about any liquids near your music.
  • Write in music only with a pencil and put only comments related to the music.
  • Thanks to all for taking good care of and returning all music. If you need to drop out of the chorus, your music is due within the week of that time so that your place can be filled by a chorister in-waiting! Otherwise, your music must be returned on the day of the performances.

6) Rehearsal/Concert Dates: The calendar has been updated and is available in the Members section of our website http://womensvoiceschorus.org. Please be sure to mark your calendars, especially for our Retreats and Sectional rehearsals. Remember that our first rehearsal counts toward your allowed absences, and there is no rehearsal on Labor Day.

7) Practice files: Practice files are in the process of being prepared and are/will be available here: https://womensvoiceschorus.org/members/practice-files/. Note that you must be logged in to access the page. We have awesome inputters and proofreaders, but occasionally we miss something, so if you see anything that needs fixing or if any links aren’t working, please let Karla (kmkbyrnes@gmail.com) know right away.

8) Web Accounts:  We have switched from an old, unsupported member management plugin for our website to a new one.  This means that the way you update your information or your password has changed.  In the Members menu, choose Faces and Stories, then click the big “Update Now” button. In the course of making the transition, most members’ information came through fine, but some seems to have been lost. Please check your information to see whether your picture, your bio, or the year you joined WVC is missing.  You might also check your bio to see if it should be updated. See Diane or Darcy Wold, Technology Co-Chairs (Sop 2) for web-account challenges.

I’m looking forward to seeing you and singing with everyone tomorrow evening!

Kay Johnson, WVC President