WVC Fundraising

​Women’s Voices Chorus relies on multiple sources of income and countless hours of volunteer labor in order to keep its high quality program running. For the 2024-2025 season, in addition to covering ongoing operating expenses, we have planned fundraising:
  • to begin replenishing our tour fund. Tours help us grow as a chorus by learning more about women’s singing traditions and sharing our own repertoire around the world, and by increasing cohesion within our group. Income from pecan sales will go towards this fund.
  • to support the purchase of handrails for our risers. Handrails will greatly increase the accessibility and safety of our existing risers. Income from table sales will go towards this.
How To WVC Table Sales
In-Kind Donation Form
On-line Order Form (This is a sample only – official version coming soon along with instructions. )

On three Mondays during the season (dates below), we will hold sales of various items on the tables at the back of our rehearsal space. Sales will take place before rehearsal (7:00 – 7:30) and during the break. Members are encouraged to bring items to sell, as well as money to spend (Venmo accepted)!

Please mark items with a price you set. Prices should be in full-dollar amounts. If you are unsure of how to price your item, we recommend 10-50% of the price of the item when purchased new, depending on condition. You may also refer to garage or yard sale pricing guides, for example here.

Items MUST BE clean and in good condition – this is NOT a junk sale! Think boutique. To take tax deductions for donations, use the In-Kind Donation form. At the end of rehearsal, members can collect their unsold items.

You can also bring food to sell: cookies, cakes, pies, breads, or soups. Like a bake sale, you make and price. Please include a label with a list of ingredients.. Any food you make that is not purchased will be your responsibility to take home or give away.

All proceeds go to the WVC Risers/Handrails Fund

Date Sale Theme
December 2, 2024 Holiday Market
A marketplace for all WVC members to shop and sell gifts for the holidays!
Homemade crafts/artwork, jewelry, holiday decorations, winter accessories (gloves, hats, scarves, etc.), extra wrapping paper
Food Suggestions: Classic holiday treats (cookies, cupcakes, loaves, etc.)
February 10, 2025 Home Is Where The Heart Is
Sharing items that make a house feel like a home!
Household items, cookware, dishware, accent pillows, blankets/throws, puzzles/games, cookbooks, movies, books
Food Suggestions: Homemade bread, soups, canned/jarred foods, coffee/tea
April 7, 2025 April Showers Bring May Flowers
Inspired by the new beginnings that come with spring!
Gardening tools, plant pots, seeds/cuttings, gently used clothing, handbags
Food Suggestions: Classic bake sale items
Friends and Family Order Form
Consolidated Order Form

Process for placing orders:

  1. Collect orders and payment from friends/family on the separate Friends & Family form. They pay you; do NOT have them pay WVC directly.
  2. Populate this form with the totals from their orders and your own.
  3. Deliver a completed WVC Pecan & Candy Sales form to Diane Wold at rehearsal OR email a completed form to diane.e.wold@gmail.com. You will receive a confirmation reply.
  4. Pay with:
    • Venmo @WomensVoicesChorus for PECANS
    • Donation via Square – click $0, enter amount, click Donate, add note PECANS at checkout
    • Check to Women’s Voices Chorus (memo: PECANS) at rehearsal
    • Cash at rehearsal

Orders may be picked up at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church before rehearsal.
Orders received by midnight on November 4 may be picked up on November 11.
Orders received by midnight on December 2 may be picked up on December 9.



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