by Diane Wold | Sep 29, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Happy Fall! I really enjoyed our rehearsal last night – hope you did, too! Rehearsal Reflection We covered all of the measures concentrating primarily on pitches and rhythms – great job everyone! I know there are a few...
by Diane Wold | Sep 23, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Thanks for a lovely rehearsal. We covered a lot of ground, and I thoroughly enjoyed making music with you all. Rehearsal Reflection Love is Welcome Here – Catherine Dalton mm. 25-40 (review mm. 1-24) Our focus was primarily on pitches and rhythms...
by Diane Wold | Sep 18, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, It was lovely to see and hear you all at rehearsal last night. It is so nice to be back to our music-making after our summer break. It was very fun to learn a bit about our newest members. I know I speak for everyone when I say that we are glad that...
by Diane Wold | Sep 6, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Wonderful to see you all at our first rehearsal! Hope you had as much fun as I did reading through our repertoire. We have a wonderful musical adventure and 30th anniversary celebration ahead! Looking Ahead to 9/11/23: We will begin work on some of our...
by Diane Wold | Apr 26, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Thanks for a wonderful (looooooong) rehearsal! That was a lot of standing…if you wear an Apple watch I am positive you met your standing goal for the day! Mostly, thank you for your energy, enthusiasm, and passion for the music and your support...
by Diane Wold | Apr 19, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Thank you for a lovely rehearsal last night! It is always a joy to make music with you. In preparation for our tech week, please review your music – you know what spots are the most challenging for you! Everyone, please especially review Tabula...