September 27, 2023, Music Notes

Hello Everyone,   Happy Fall! I really enjoyed our rehearsal last night – hope you did, too! Rehearsal Reflection We covered all of the measures concentrating primarily on pitches and rhythms – great job everyone! I know there are a few...

September 19, 2023, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thanks for a lovely rehearsal. We covered a lot of ground, and I thoroughly enjoyed making music with you all. Rehearsal Reflection Love is Welcome Here – Catherine Dalton mm. 25-40 (review mm. 1-24) Our focus was primarily on pitches and rhythms...

September 12, 2023, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, It was lovely to see and hear you all at rehearsal last night. It is so nice to be back to our music-making after our summer break. It was very fun to learn a bit about our newest members. I know I speak for everyone when I say that we are glad that...

September 5, 2023 Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Wonderful to see you all at our first rehearsal! Hope you had as much fun as I did reading through our repertoire. We have a wonderful musical adventure and 30th anniversary celebration ahead! Looking Ahead to 9/11/23: We will begin work on some of our...

April 25, 2023, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thanks for a wonderful (looooooong) rehearsal! That was a lot of standing…if you wear an Apple watch I am positive you met your standing goal for the day! Mostly, thank you for your energy, enthusiasm, and passion for the music and your support...

April 18, 2023, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thank you for a lovely rehearsal last night! It is always a joy to make music with you. In preparation for our tech week, please review your music – you know what spots are the most challenging for you! Everyone, please especially review Tabula...