by Diane Wold | Jan 17, 2024 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Thank you for such a wonderful and fulfilling rehearsal. Our music is really coming together with not only technical accuracy but most importantly, expressiveness. Such lovely moments throughout! How Can I Keep from Singing? – Great job keeping...
by Diane Wold | Jan 10, 2024 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, It was wonderful to see you all (and hear you sing) after our break. I hope that our lizard friend is enjoying their new home in the succulents! I am very excited about our remaining rehearsals and upcoming concert. I know that Janet already sent the...
by Diane Wold | Dec 13, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Great job singing in mixed formation last night – the overall sound was lovely! We ironed out a lot of details in our sectional rehearsal. Thank you, Janet, for all of your careful notes for the A2 section which guided our work with everyone else...
by Diane Wold | Dec 7, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Thanks for your work last night at rehearsal – much appreciated! We are making progress on our music! I know this is a super busy time of year for most (if not all) so thank you for being dedicated to WVC as we have our final rehearsals before...
by Diane Wold | Nov 29, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, What fun to run through our concert music last night. It was good to have a sense of where we currently are with our repertoire and be happy with all we have accomplished but also work toward strengthening our weaknesses. I think that we are singing...
by Diane Wold | Nov 22, 2023 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, We covered a lot of ground at rehearsal – well done, one and all. Rehearsal Reflection Prepare to breathe before your breath. Back of the neck is tall (tube is open). Abdomen/belly released Breathe and sing ‘above your hand.’ Love is...