April 9, 2024, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thanks for a fun and productive rehearsal last night! It was ah-mazing to sing through all of our repertoire and take stock of where we currently are with everything – and for the most part we are in very good shape – BRAVA to all! If at...

April 2, 2024, Music Notes

Lovely rehearsal last night – really sounded wonderful on much of what we sang through last night in mixed formation – great progress! We definitely also found some gaps and will work on those sections next week. Rehearsal Reflection: ‘Tis the Gift...

March 26, 2024, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thanks for a very enjoyable and productive rehearsal last night. We covered a lot of ground and WOW, things are really sounding great and coming together so nicely. What a treat for my ears (and hopefully, yours, too)! Thank you for sending your solo...

March 19, 2024, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, I enjoyed our music and shenanigans last night – wonderful work, one and all! Special thanks to the S1s and S2s for their extra work at sectionals and for Virginia providing such detailed notes. Thank you for providing your performance...

March 12, 2024, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thanks for a fun-filled and productive rehearsal. Hats off to the altos who spent extra time at their sectional going through a list of challenging spots that Kay had noted (thank you, Kay!). \ I sent the excerpts I recorded to Annie and she replied,...

March 25, 2024, Music Notes

Hello Everyone! Thanks for working so hard on our three Irish pieces last night. I think that musically we are in a very good place to continue to learn from our retreat clinician, Dr. Annie Barry, on Saturday. Annie knows that we are very much looking forward to her...