by Diane Wold | Jan 7, 2021 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Happy New Year, although we are certainly off to a rough start today in our country and world, I am so very sorry to say. I am looking forward to brighter days ahead. I look forward to each Monday evening when I can see your faces (wish I could hear...
by Diane Wold | Dec 10, 2020 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. It was nice to have a visit from Ginger Wyrick (UNCC) who hosted our collaborative concert and hear her kind words. I have received several emails from folks who tuned into our concert and happily pass along their...
by Diane Wold | Dec 2, 2020 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. Yay us! PLEASE CHECK THE PARTICIPANT LIST at the end of this email to make sure that I have included everyone who submitted recordings for Snow Angel 4. Sweet Child. Please email me immediately if you don’t...
by Diane Wold | Nov 30, 2020 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. Yay us! If you missed rehearsal, the link is below if you would like to see what we were up to in your absence. I hope that you are sharing our December 5th performance link with your family and friends – it...
by Diane Wold | Nov 17, 2020 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. Yay us! If you missed rehearsal, I am sorry to say that I recorded exactly 8 seconds of me staring blankly into my computer screen…not helpful to anyone. I paused the recording during our Happy Half Hour and...
by Diane Wold | Nov 12, 2020 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. Yay us! If you missed rehearsal, the link is below if you would like to see what we were up to in your absence. I would direct your attention to the end of the rehearsal – Kay shared with us all a...