by Diane Wold | Jan 15, 2021 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, I received an email this morning regarding recording ‘From Now On.’ The submission deadline has been extended if you would like to record but didn’t have time to record by today. The new deadline is Monday 5PM (Ireland time). Also,...
by Diane Wold | Jan 14, 2021 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, It was so nice to see you on Monday at rehearsal. It was a wonderful 90 minutes of music in the midst of the turmoil our last couple of weeks…and oh yeah, the pandemic. We spent the bulk of our rehearsal working on The Angel and Izar ederrack,...
by Diane Wold | Jan 7, 2021 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, Happy New Year, although we are certainly off to a rough start today in our country and world, I am so very sorry to say. I am looking forward to brighter days ahead. I look forward to each Monday evening when I can see your faces (wish I could hear...
by Diane Wold | Dec 10, 2020 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. It was nice to have a visit from Ginger Wyrick (UNCC) who hosted our collaborative concert and hear her kind words. I have received several emails from folks who tuned into our concert and happily pass along their...
by Diane Wold | Dec 2, 2020 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. Yay us! PLEASE CHECK THE PARTICIPANT LIST at the end of this email to make sure that I have included everyone who submitted recordings for Snow Angel 4. Sweet Child. Please email me immediately if you don’t...
by Diane Wold | Nov 30, 2020 | AD Music Notes
Hello Everyone, I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. Yay us! If you missed rehearsal, the link is below if you would like to see what we were up to in your absence. I hope that you are sharing our December 5th performance link with your family and friends – it...