by Diane Wold | Oct 5, 2020 | Announcements
Dear Singers, WVC link here! Thanks to everyone for renaming last week. Please do so again this week with 4-part settings (S1-,S2-,A1-,A2-.) Looking forward to singing tomorrow night! Best – Kay Johnson, WVC President
by Diane Wold | Sep 28, 2020 | Announcements
Dear Singers, WVC link here! Thanks to everyone who submitted “A Path to Each Other.” It looks like a good half of us were able to participate. Reminder – Please change your name for our 4 part breakout rehearsal (for example, S1-Laura Delauny,...
by Diane Wold | Sep 21, 2020 | Announcements
Dear Singers, Thanks for your patience and persistence! WVC zoom link here! HOUSEKEEPING Set up – We plan to post reminders and check our set up at about 7:25 each evening, so our Happy Half Hour may be a little shorter. Please check the files below for your...
by Diane Wold | Sep 14, 2020 | Announcements
Dear Singers, Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night! We need your help to make our sectionals go smoothly tomorrow – Name Changes for Sectionals We’re going to ask you to “change your Zoom name” before our rehearsal and once again during...
by Diane Wold | Sep 11, 2020 | Announcements
Dear Singers, Have a good Labor Day Holiday and we’ll see you on Monday, September 14. In the meantime, we’ve got good news on two fronts – Audio Tracks (thanks, Karla) and the Zoom Update for Musicians (thanks, Zoom.) Audio Tracks There is a new...
by Diane Wold | Aug 30, 2020 | Announcements
Dear Singers, We’re close! PROCRASTINATORS – SEE BOLD SECTION BELOW Link You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074. We will use the same Zoom connection for all Monday rehearsals. Additional information including...