October 4, 2020, Announcements

Dear Singers, WVC link  here! Thanks to everyone for renaming last week.  Please do so again this week with 4-part settings (S1-,S2-,A1-,A2-.) Looking forward to singing tomorrow night! Best – Kay Johnson, WVC President

September 28, 2020, Announcements

Dear Singers, WVC link  here! Thanks to everyone who submitted “A Path to Each Other.”  It looks like a good half of us were able to participate. Reminder – Please change your name for our 4 part breakout rehearsal (for example, S1-Laura Delauny,...

September 20, 2020, Announcements

Dear Singers, Thanks for your patience and persistence! WVC zoom link  here! HOUSEKEEPING Set up – We plan to post reminders and check our set up at about 7:25 each evening, so our Happy Half Hour may be a little shorter. Please check the files below for your...

September 13, 2020, Announcements

Dear Singers, Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night! We need your help to make our sectionals go smoothly tomorrow – Name Changes for Sectionals We’re going to ask you to “change your Zoom name” before our rehearsal and once again during...

September 6, 2020, Announcements

Dear Singers, Have a good Labor Day Holiday and we’ll see you on Monday, September 14.  In the meantime, we’ve got good news on two fronts – Audio Tracks (thanks, Karla) and the Zoom Update for Musicians (thanks, Zoom.) Audio Tracks There is a new...

August 30, 2020, Announcements

Dear Singers, We’re close! PROCRASTINATORS – SEE BOLD SECTION BELOW Link You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074. We will use the same Zoom connection for all Monday rehearsals. Additional information including...