October 16, 2022, Announcements

Dear Singers, This week the announcements are quite lengthy but contain a lot of important information, so please take a moment to read them in their entirety. Mezzo Sectional: There is a mezzo sectional tomorrow night in the regular rehearsal space from 6:45-7:25 PM...

October 9, 2022, Announcements

Dear Singers, Tour Survey:  Last call for responses to the Tour Survey. If you have not already, please take a moment to fill out the survey. You can access the survey by the link: https://forms.gle/68CqLvivFgzmfAmG7.  We will be compiling the responses and presenting...

September 25, 2022, Announcements

Dear Singers, Hope you all enjoyed this beautiful fall weekend!  Please take a moment to read through the announcements each week so we don’t spend a lot of rehearsal time reviewing. Welcome back Laura – we missed singing with you.  Special thanks to Kay...

September 11, 2022, Announcements

Dear Singers, Welcome to the Fall Season of WVC!  I am so excited to share that the auditions were well attended and we have added 9 new talented singers to our community.  A warm welcome to you all: Soprano 1: Jennifer Canada, Rachel Bowman-Abdu, and Ellie Sheridan...

August 28, 2022, Announcements

Hello everyone, Welcome back to the new season of WVC! We are very excited to see everyone tomorrow night at our first open rehearsal.  Laura and the Board have been working very hard since our last concert in May to prepare for this season and it is finally here! I...

May 8, 2022, Announcements

Dear Singers, Thanks to everyone for a great concert!  We were so fortunate to be able to sing a concert in front of real people!  I’m looking forward to hearing our performance at the picnic. End of the Semester Business Please bring any outstanding music,...