March 5, 2023, Announcements

Dear Singers, I hope you all enjoyed the retreat on Saturday! It takes a village to organize and execute these events and we are so very grateful to all who helped make it happen! I also want to thank everyone for the wonderful contributions to the breakfast goodies...

February 26, 2023, Announcements

Dear Singers, Soprano 1 and Soprano 2 Sectionals:  At 6:45PM tomorrow, we will be having sectionals.  Kay will be running the Soprano 2 sectional in the choir room across the street at the Worship Center and Laura will be running the Soprano 1 sectional in our regular...

February 19, 2023, Announcements

Dear Singers, Alto 1 and Alto 2 Sectionals:  At 6:45PM tomorrow, we will be having our scheduled sectionals.  Kay will be running the Alto 1 sectional in the choir room across the street at the Worship Center and Laura will be running the Alto 2 sectional in our...

February 12, 2023, Announcements

Dear Singers, Explore our website ( – Please take a few moments to explore and discover. In the members section, you will find tons of useful information.  If you need help finding a particular resource, please ask your section leader. ...

February 5, 2023, Announcements

Dear Singers, Welcome to our first rehearsal of the Spring Season of WVC!  Lots of announcements to share. We had wonderful auditions and are delighted to welcome 7 new members! New members: Please join me in welcoming our new members: Marley Steffens – S1 Rebecca...

January 29, 2023, Announcements

Dear Singers, Tomorrow night will be the first open rehearsal of the Spring Season! I am excited to dive into the new repertoire that Laura has selected. Please make an extra effort to welcome our guests.  You may be asked to host a guest for the evening, so thank you...