by Diane Wold | Mar 8, 2023 | Announcements
Dear Singers, I hope you all enjoyed the retreat on Saturday! It takes a village to organize and execute these events and we are so very grateful to all who helped make it happen! I also want to thank everyone for the wonderful contributions to the breakfast goodies...
by Diane Wold | Mar 5, 2023 | Announcements
Dear Singers, Soprano 1 and Soprano 2 Sectionals: At 6:45PM tomorrow, we will be having sectionals. Kay will be running the Soprano 2 sectional in the choir room across the street at the Worship Center and Laura will be running the Soprano 1 sectional in our regular...
by Diane Wold | Mar 5, 2023 | Announcements
Dear Singers, Alto 1 and Alto 2 Sectionals: At 6:45PM tomorrow, we will be having our scheduled sectionals. Kay will be running the Alto 1 sectional in the choir room across the street at the Worship Center and Laura will be running the Alto 2 sectional in our...
by Diane Wold | Mar 5, 2023 | Announcements
Dear Singers, Explore our website ( – Please take a few moments to explore and discover. In the members section, you will find tons of useful information. If you need help finding a particular resource, please ask your section leader. ...
by Diane Wold | Feb 6, 2023 | Announcements
Dear Singers, Welcome to our first rehearsal of the Spring Season of WVC! Lots of announcements to share. We had wonderful auditions and are delighted to welcome 7 new members! New members: Please join me in welcoming our new members: Marley Steffens – S1 Rebecca...
by Diane Wold | Jan 30, 2023 | Announcements
Dear Singers, Tomorrow night will be the first open rehearsal of the Spring Season! I am excited to dive into the new repertoire that Laura has selected. Please make an extra effort to welcome our guests. You may be asked to host a guest for the evening, so thank you...