October 30, 2022, Announcements

Dear Singers, Good evening everyone.  Thanks to all for attending the Retreat yesterday.  I hope you all enjoyed the programming and the sisterhood. REMINDER: NO REHEARSAL ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 ST.  Review of Music before the next rehearsal: The website contains a...

October 25, 2022 Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thanks for a fun and productive rehearsal last night. I really enjoyed making music with you all. Our intonation singing a chromatic scale during warm ups was much improved this week – great job with that! We did some work singing in circles to...

October 23, 2022, Announcements

Dear Singers, Please take a moment to read the announcements for this week: Changes to COVID-19 Mitigation Protocol:  WVC will transition to a ‘mask-optional’ policy beginning October 24, 2022. Please keep in mind the following: If you are experiencing...

October 18, 2022, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Woohoo! Tonight’s rehearsal was what I think of as a ‘cram and jam!’ We didn’t cover many expressive elements but we did make progress on pitches and rhythms, understanding the relationship of one part to another, and working...

October 16, 2022, Announcements

Dear Singers, This week the announcements are quite lengthy but contain a lot of important information, so please take a moment to read them in their entirety. Mezzo Sectional: There is a mezzo sectional tomorrow night in the regular rehearsal space from 6:45-7:25 PM...