April 18, 2023, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thank you for a lovely rehearsal last night! It is always a joy to make music with you. In preparation for our tech week, please review your music – you know what spots are the most challenging for you! Everyone, please especially review Tabula...

April 16, 2023, Announcements

Dear Singers, Please take a moment to read through the announcements.  This is a busy time of year and there is a lot of important information listed below: Nominations:  Tomorrow night we will vote on the slate of nominees for the 2023-24 WVC Board.  =Slate for...

April 9, 2023, Announcements

Dear Singers, Looking forward to our rehearsal tomorrow night!  Below are several announcements for the week ahead: Concert Month: Ticket Sales: It’s concert month! Just a reminder that all unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, April 24th.  If you have any...

April 4, 2023, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thanks for all of your hard work at rehearsal last night – so much accomplished! We spent most of the evening on Sing, Wearing the Sky and I think that we made great progress. If you have time to review your own part this week, that would be...

April 2, 2023, Announcements

Dear Singers, Below are the announcements for the week: Nominating Committee: Nominations for the open Board positions have closed and the Board has approved the slate. Our Nominations Committee Chair will present the slate of nominees at tomorrow night’s rehearsal...