February 25, 2025, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thanks for a lovely rehearsal last night. We did well learning new material. I encourage everyone to continue to review measures we have already covered in rehearsal so that we won’t have to relearn material. Especially in the spring, with fewer...

February 23, 2025, Announcements

Hi Everyone, I am looking forward to rehearsal tomorrow night and hope you are too! Table Sales:  This semester we will be having another table sale fundraiser, scheduled for Monday, March 3rd! The theme will be Spring Cleaning – inspired by the new beginnings...

February 18, 2025, Music Notes

Hello Everyone, Thanks for a super fun and productive rehearsal – we accomplished so much! Thanks so much for your attention and positive energy! Attached is the Chamber Choir divisi assignments. [See third page of linked pdf.] Thanks so much for being...

February 16, 2025, Announcements

Hi Everyone, I will be traveling this week and will have to miss rehearsal so please read this week’s announcements as they will likely not be repeated at rehearsal on Monday. Now that we are at capacity, the talking during rehearsal (even whispering) makes it very...

February 9, 2025, Announcements

Hi Everyone, Welcome back to our Spring Semester! I am delighted to announce that auditions were a tremendous success resulting in our adding 7 new singers to our community: Carrie Boone (S2) – Buddy: Carly Bunch Carol Mansfield (S2) – Buddy: Virginia Kraus Kristin De...