On Sunday, March 23, an audience at First Presbyterian Church in Durham experienced an historical event – the first joint concert between Women’s Voices Chorus and Vox Virorum! Vox Virorum is a men’s chorus ensemble founded in 2012 by director Jeremy Nabors that brings together singers from the Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill areas in order to “hone and renew their love of singing, and to provide a home in the choral community.”
For the concert, Vox Virorum performed pieces by such American composers as Aaron Copeland, Alice Parker, and Robert Shaw. Women’s Voices set consisted of songs that were either commissioned for or premiered by us, including Allan Friedman’s “Songs of Radiance.” At the end of the show, the men and women combined to sing Sergei Rachmaninov’s “Bogoroditse Devo,” conducted by Mr. Nabors, and a tear-the-roof-off rendition of Moses Hogan’s “Elijah Rock” conducted by Allan.
We had an absolute blast performing with such an outstanding group of gentlemen! And we weren’t the only ones who had a great time. Harrison Russin, from CVNC, wrote of the concert, “If a region’s artistic potential and commitment were to be measured by the strength of its community music organizations, the joint concert presented by Vox Virorum and Women’s Voices Chorus on Sunday, would make a case for the Triangle’s artistic leadership.” Read his review here.
Thanks to Vox Virorum for singing with us! Let’s do it again next year.