Hello Everyone,
Thanks for a fun and productive rehearsal last night! It was ah-mazing to sing through all of our repertoire and take stock of where we currently are with everything – and for the most part we are in very good shape – BRAVA to all!
If at all possible, please let me know at rehearsal next week YES or NO for any of you who indicated ‘MAYBE’ regarding participation in Durham Community Sings. It’s okay if you cannot commit by next week – but I will make the decision if WVC is able to sing a piece for the performance based on those who indicate YES.
Apologies for my laptop turning off before the end of rehearsal. Luckily, I came home and plugged it in and all is well – whew! The power strip was on so maybe the connections were just loose, causing the battery to run out of juice. Anyway, those Zooming I hope experienced at least a good portion of the rehearsal.
Next week we will spend however much time is needed on the following pieces and then will sing through anything else for which we have time. This week I will listen to the rehearsal recording and create a list of rehearsal priorities. Now Let Me Fly and A Stór will need our most attention (you already knew that!).
Now Let Me Fly
A Stór
Stand By Me
Mo Ghile Mear
My Favorite Things
I’m Beginning to See the Light
We also have our final sectional next week at 6:45pm. Bring your questions and I will be happy to answer as many as possible. The sectional is not required but is open to all. As you have time this week, sing through your music and create a to-do list for yourself of knowledge gaps, working with the practice files as much as you can to fill in those gaps. I’m always happy to help, especially at our sectional!
Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week,