Hello Everyone,
Thank you for your attention and energy at last night’s rehearsal! I enjoyed making music with you (as always).
Please work on LOOKING UP from your music – our ensemble cohesiveness really improves. And please enjoy the voices around you and work to actively listen to your neighbors for tuning, balance, and blend.
Next week, for our final rehearsal of 2022, we will sing through all of our rep in concert order. Please have your folder in order before rehearsal begins – it will help to make our transitions efficient.
Moon Goddess
Two Eastern Pictures II. Summer
Bright Morning Stars (Soloists: Brystana Kaufman, Anne Menkens, Jasmine Trinks-Reese)
The Dawn is Not Distant (Soloist: Jennifer Canada)
Izar Ederrak
My Lord, What a Morning (Soloist: Kinley Russell)
Song to the Moon
Par’o Era Estrellero
Lakutshon ‘Illanga
Mēnestiņis Naki Brauca
I’ve Got the Sun in the Morning (Soloist: Rah Bickley)
When You Wish Upon a Star
These are some spots our music can use some attention:
Moon Goddess
-note the dynamic markings throughout, especially the softer sections
-the best reference recording (in my opinion) is the stellar performance by Mirabai Women’s Choir. We will use similar tempos, phrasing, and articulation. Singing along to this recording is a great way to get comfortable with the second piano part and percussion.
Two Eastern Pictures II. Summer
-mm.29-40 and 66-77, tuning the a cappella sections (sing with the practice files)
-mm. 91-99 (only one measure of piano before mezzo’s entrance – be ready!)
Bright Morning Stars (Soloists: Brystana Kaufman, Anne Menkens, Jasmine Trinks-Reese)
-note the dynamic markings throughout
The Dawn is Not Distant (Soloist: Jennifer Canada)
-mm. 26-34
Izar Ederrak
-there are ‘mystery notes’ in various parts throughout. Please review, as needed.
My Lord, What a Morning (Soloist: Kinley Russell)
-mm. 32-44 (G-Major section into the e-minor section was not in tune, especially mm. 38-40)
Song to the Moon
-please look at the beginning of the phrases and note if you have the pickup note or if you have a rest and mark your music accordingly. Alto 1&2 please especially note that you rest before mm. 13 and 70. S2&A1 rest before m. 12.
-note if you have the melody or a supporting part – sometimes the melody is covered.
-check your notes in mm. 55-56 and use the practice files as needed.
Par’o Era Estrellero
-note if you have the melody or a supporting part so that we can do a better job with our balance.
-altos – check your part on page 5. Your G3 needs to tune with the soprano G4 in m. 30-33.
-everyone check your part mm. 48-end (especially mm. 48-50).
Lakutshon ‘Illanga
-review as needed and remember our solfege tuning – it really helps!
-info on the tongue click on the C of ‘kucinga’: Sometimes called the dental click, is made by withdrawing the tongue from the top front teeth. It is also sometimes represented in English by “tsk”, where it is a sign of exasperation or annoyance. Here is a video – the C click explanation is near the beginning.
Mēnestiņis Naki Brauca
-S1 and A1 be prepared to sing the text at 85 bpm. Sing along with this recording and you will be in good shape for our run through. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3yvHn1k5Rw
I’ve Got the Sun in the Morning (Soloist: Rah Bickley)
-review as needed
When You Wish Upon a Star
-review as needed
Attached is the seating chart for Monday – same as last night with just one tweak on the back row – switched Meg and Susanna. There were many on Zoom last night so it is hard for me to know if we have found our ‘perfect formation’ but I will continue to tweak as necessary. Thank you for your flexibility!
See you on Monday!