Dear Singers,

Welcome to the Fall Season of WVC!  I am so excited to share that the auditions were well attended and we have added 9 new talented singers to our community.  A warm welcome to you all:

Soprano 1: Jennifer Canada, Rachel Bowman-Abdu, and Ellie Sheridan
Soprano 2: Leandra Strope, Kate DeAlmedia, Sally Molyneux, and Mia Prior
Alto 1: Leah Fell and
Alto 2: Caryl Price

Women’s Voices Chorus is run by members who volunteer their time and talent.  Volunteering is one of the best ways to get to know your fellow chorus members.  This year, each week in the announcements I will highlight one of the volunteer positions to raise awareness about specific volunteer opportunities and the many possible ways you can participate.

This week, I would like to award the Tiara/Virtual Toaster Award to Nancy Donny, our librarian.  Nancy has been the librarian of WVC for the last 3 years and is responsible for preparing, distributing, and collecting all of the music packets each semester.  During COVID, Nancy went above and beyond to personally deliver music to our membership, which was greatly appreciated!  Thank you Nancy!   The librarian is a member of the Music Committee, chaired by Kay Johnson. Stay tuned each week to learn about a new volunteer position in WVC!

I will not be at rehearsal tomorrow night,, but look forward to singing with you all at the next rehearsal on September 19th. Enjoy the social, planned by our Membership Committee, Chaired by Wendy Hua (Sop1).  Thank you for providing us an opportunity to catch up and get to know our new members.

See you all next week!


Janet Huebner,
President, Women’s Voices Chorus