Dear Singers,

Annual Meeting
We will be holding our Annual Meeting at the beginning of the rehearsal on April 11. As a part of that meeting we will be holding elections for a number of offices.  Officers serve for a two-year term, so we elect half the offices every other year.

The offices open for elections for the next two year term and current nominees are as follows::
President – Janet Huebner
Vice-President – Open
Membership Chair – Wendy Hua
Public Relations Chair – Shelley Turkington

We are open to additional nominations up to our April 11 vote.
Special thanks to Brystana, Amy Glass, and Brenda Edwards who served with me on the Nominating Committee.

Zoom Participants
For those joining us through Zoom, we’re still using the same Zoom access. WVC link  here!

Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President

PS: Do your best to be on time tonight, but if you must be late, call me at (919) 724-9632 for this week, since Marsha will be away.