Dear Singers,
Safety Concern
We’re looking forward to another rewarding rehearsal with some thoughts – First, it’s a challenge to sing with a mask on. So, please, use your good sense and sit down and/or just stop singing for a while if you are winded. (As my mother used to say, it’s less far to fall, if you start nearer the ground.)
DOORS OPEN at 7 pm and close at 7:30 pm. Please do your best to come within that time period. If you arrive after 7:30 pm, text Brenda Edwards at (919) 475-1163 or Marsha Ferguson at (919) 491-3946 to gain access to the rehearsal. If you are attending on Zoom, and know you’ll be late, you can share that information with the same folks and they’ll let the Zoom Technician for the evening know.
WVC Board Elections
The positions of President, Vice-President, Membership Chair, and Public Relations are up for election this coming year. If you are interested in any of these positions (or others should they come open for appointment), please see Brenda Edwards (, Nominations Committee Chair, or other Committee Members: Brystana Kaufman, Amy Glass or Kay Johnson.
Zoom Participants
For those joining us through Zoom, we’re still using the same Zoom access. WVC link here!
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President