Dear Singers,

Welcome to both our new and returning singers!

– Plan to come early for our music distribution. 

Music Distribution
We will be distributing music starting at 7:00.  All singers from last semester will need 3 new pieces.  If you are unable to pick-up the music, please make arrangements with our librarian, Nancy Donny (, to get your music.

We’ll have tables set up for dues payments and, for those who are coming to in person rehearsals for the first time, vaccination proof signatures.

Zoom Participants
For those joining us through Zoom, we’re still using the same Zoom access. WVC link  here!

It’s always good to see each other, particularly after a break.  Do your best to avoid any large “clumps” of singers before and after the rehearsal.  Singing together is great, so let’s keep everyone healthy.

Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President