Dear Singers,
Spring Registration
As we look forward to the spring semester, thanks to all who have filled out the registration form. If you haven’t done it yet, please take a second to fill out this brief registration form for current members by Saturday, January 8, 2022. (Really, this takes less than a minute.)
Current Semester Rehearsal and Concert Plans
1/3/22 – Soprano 1 and Soprano 2 Sectional (after our ensemble rehearsal until 9:30 PM)
1/10/22 – Alto 1 and Alto 2 Sectional (after our ensemble rehearsal until 9:30 PM)
1/17/22 – Sing through our concert in order
1/18 – Dress Rehearsal
7-8 PM Rehearsal any remaining challenges that we hear on 1/17/22
8-9:30 Rehearse in the sanctuary, including working through our concert places.
As you know, we will continue to monitor health advisories and will let you know promptly if circumstances cause us to change plans. We have a Board meeting next Sunday night and will share with you any updates after that meeting.
In the meantime, we hope to see you at rehearsal in person or on Zoom. You are welcome to join us on Zoom until we get to our dress rehearsal week. And, of course, please let us know of any illness or changes in plans regarding your concert participation.
Zoom Participants
For those joining us through Zoom, we’re still using the same Zoom access. WVC link here!
The details shared below are a repeat of last week’s announcements regarding our upcoming semester.
2022 Spring Current Member Registration
We have begun planning for spring semester which will begin on Monday, January 31. We anticipate continuing to hold rehearsals at Binkley 7:30p-8:45p with sectionals from 9:00-9:30p. Zoom will also be available for anyone that can’t attend in-person. We have tentatively scheduled the retreat on Saturday, Feb. 21 or March 5 and the concert on Sunday, May 1.
Current COVID protocols will stay in effect and will be continually reviewed and adjusted as warranted.
We will be holding auditions for new members. Because we are currently limited by the venue to a maximum of 50 people in the rehearsal space, we need to confirm your plans for the spring semester.
Thanks for your continued support AND may the New Year bring us singing, fellowship, and perhaps, even a few more predictable times!
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President