Hello Everyone,

I could hear you so much better in our new seating formation last night – I hope that you could hear better, as well. We will sing in a similar arc in the front of the Binkley Baptist Sanctuary for our performance so hopefully this will help us to better prepare.

I had a great time at rehearsal last night and it sounded like you did, too!

A2s also had a very successful sectional rehearsal last night – thanks for your extra effort A2s, Deb, and Marsha.

I made a change in our upcoming sectional dates – here they are:
12/13/21 – S1/S2
12/20/21 – A1

Solo Audition Information:
– create a recording (voice memo is fine) of yourself singing the solo(s) a cappella (be sure that you are singing in the key of the piece).
– send your recording to Laura Delauney.
– recordings are due no later than 12/21/21- I will announce soloists before we resume our rehearsals in January.
– if you need help making your recording, contact Laura D.
– feel free to submit a recording for any or all of these solo opportunities:
Sing My Child – mm.1-9 (you will also sing mm.104-106 in performance but you do not need to record these measures for your audition).
O Sister – mm.32-38, mm.48-50, mm.52-55 (Choose one phrase for your audition or sing them all. Depending on the auditions, I may choose two singers to sing all of the solo/duet measures or multiple singers).
What the Heart Cannot Forget mm.39-43 soprano solo (Janet will reprise her beautiful alto solo). On the outside chance Kate Berreth can return to sing this we will welcome her, but because she is away at college this is unlikely so we need to have a soloist prepared.

Rehearsal Focus:

Rise Up (much was accomplished!)
– rehearsed all rhythm
– mm.1-14 S1 and S2 sing on a syllable like ‘doo’ until you are confident with your rhythm
– mm.1-24 A1 and A2 sing with accents, dynamics and presence! You have the theme
– mm.25-37 worked on finding the starting pitch in m.25 and then practiced our notes and rhythms
– mm.38-46 sing with accents and dynamics
– mm.46-47 finding correct pitches for the hum
– mm.54-68 note the tempo changes, checked pitches and rhythms. Consonants need emphasis!
– mm.69-86 bring out the Alto melody!
– Laura Delauney pointed out that you may want to write the 1st and 2nd ending indications in your score since you may get confused and sing extra measures – great suggestion. The score indicates the endings above the S1 staff – you may miss this if you are only looking at your staff.
– mm.87-97 worked on a confident start for the S2 part on beat 1 of m.87 – great job S2s (but I won’t jump in the air at our concert!)
– mm.98-end worked on pitches and rhythms. Dynamics and accents will really make this ending exciting.
Important note for the S2s! Marsha caught an error in our scores – please make this correction: m.83 beat 3 into beat 4 your score indicates Bb-C-D. Instead, you should echo the S1s and sing Bb-C-Eb. Thanks, Marsha!

Sing My Child
– we worked through all of the transitions, finding correct pitches as we started new phrases.
– the tempo needs to dance! Look up!
– when you sing repeated pitches (particularly the ostinato sections) you should think about singing slightly sharp every time you repeat the pitch…it is a common problem to go flat.
– F Major is a notoriously difficult key to tune so it will take all of our attention!
– don’t close to the ‘NG’ when you sing the word ‘sing.’

What the Heart Cannot Forget
-we rehearsed pitches and rhythms in all parts mm.50-end – good job!

How Can I Keep From Singing
– mm.4-59 we rehearsed pitches and rhythms
-homework – practice singing slowly m.27 ‘I hear the truth’ for accuracy. Use solfege if it will help you – Sol Do Mi Sol Mi Mi Re. This melodic phrase is sung by all singers in multiple places.
– Please listen to the YouTube performance of this piece (link on our website practice files). This choir does an outstanding job with expressively singing accents and dynamics with amazing diction.

Storm Comin’
Reminder that you will step to your LEFT on beat 1. (mirror me in the practice video I made)

Looking Ahead to 12/13/21

Rise Up
Sing through! We won’t have time to devote to problem solving so sing it through a few times this week to retain the work we accomplished last night.

Nothing Short of Grace
We will sing through all and address the questions the section leaders sent. Please mark your scores to help you to remember to sing the eighth notes short and to sing the quarter notes their full value on ‘step’ and ‘heart.’

Storm Comin’
We will sing through all and address the questions the section leaders sent. Practice the body percussion this week – you will need to memorize this piece if you want to perform the body percussion.

Sing My Child
As time permits, we will sing through m.54 to the end. Please sing through it a few times this week so that we can better retain what we have learned.

Richer for Her
We probably won’t have time to sing this together so please sing through it a few times this week.

She Who Makes Her Meaning Clear
We will sing through all and address the questions the section leaders sent.

O Sister
As time permits, we will sing through m.39 to the end. Please sing through it a few times this week.

What the Heart Cannot Forget
We will focus on mm.1-26. Please review mm.49-end this week.

How Can I Keep From Singing
We will focus on mm.60-end and if time permits, review mm.1-59.

We will have to move quickly through our music to cover this much territory – please let me know if I need to slow down at any point.

I know this can be an incredibly busy time for everyone – please know that your individual and collective commitment to WVC is greatly appreciated. It sure does feel great to make music together!
