Hello Everyone,

I sure did enjoy our rehearsal last night and am already looking forward to next week.

Deb – we missed you! But we were all glad that you were enjoying time with your friends. Kathleen did a great job filling in as our accompanist – thank you, Kathleen!

Richer for Her

  1. 1-22 review
  • We sing ‘For the love of’ throughout the piece so we will sing it as lovely and expressively as possible! Start with a clear F, minimize the R, sing the L on pitch, bring out the V of ‘love’ and ‘of’ shaping the vowels to AH. As Janet said last night, that is a lot to accomplish and it can cause us to fall behind the beat. It will become more fluid with rehearsal so we will get there together.
  1. 23-55 rehearsal focus
  • m. 24 lightly flip the R of ‘spirit’
  • m. 30 put the final S of ‘Goddess’ on beat 1 (where the 8th note is)
  • m. 30 tall vowel for ‘down’
  • mm. 32-33 forte with accents gently decrescendoing to ‘moon’
  • m. 42 tall vowel for ‘good’ and ‘time’
  • m. 44 weight on the first syllable of ‘happiness’
  • m. 46 weight on the first syllable of ‘family’
  • m. 46 middle syllable of ‘family’ shape toward [I] (the vowel in sit)
  • m. 48 last two syllables of ‘diff’rences’ shape toward [E] (the vowel in bed)
  • mm. 51 and 53 middle syllable of ‘enemies’ shape toward [E] (the vowel in bed)
  • m. 54 sing a distinct D at the end of ‘suspended’ before singing ‘judgment

She Who Makes Her Meaning Clear

  1. 1-22 review
  • not all singers confidently found their notes in these big chords – we will continue to work on this together
  • m. 4 breathe at the fermata release
  • m. 19 TH of strength on beat 2 (make the first note of that measure a quarter instead of a dotted quarter)
  • m. 20 add a breath after ‘dare’ on beat 3 (make the first note of that measure a half instead of a dotted half)
  • m. 24 TH of strength on beat 1
  1. 23-55 rehearsal focus
  • m. 29 TH of strength on beat 1
  • note the increasing dissonances in mm. 36-41
  • mm. 50-54 bring out the A1 part
  • mm. 52 P3 sing the S on beat 4
  • m. 53 A2 sing the S on beat 2
  • m. 54 P3 add a slur on the first G to the second G (the slurs should look like the A2 part)

Unsung Saint

  1. 1-37 review
  • mm. 19 and 21 strong K and minimize the R of ‘marking’
  • mm. 20 and 22 strong TH on ‘pathless’
  • mm. 23 and 25 strong P on ‘pressing’ and F on ‘forward’
  • mm. 24 and 26 strong K on ‘courage’
  • m. 37 D on beat 4
  1. 38-53 rehearsal focus
  • A1 part needs to be strong and in rhythmic contrast to the other three – sing with slight accents – think marcato
  • m. 44 middle syllable of ‘family’ shape to [I] (vowel in sit)
  • mm. 48-49 Patty pointed out the word ‘cutral’ which I believe is cultural shortened to two syllables so that it works with the musical phrasing. Would have been helpful to print it cul’tral!

O Sister

We sang through this piece during the last few minutes of rehearsal. I’m looking forward to working on it more in depth the next time we rehearse.

Looking forward to 10/11/21

Rise Up

  1. 1-68 review
  2. 69-87 pitches and rhythms

Nothing Short of Grace

  1. 1-50 review
  2. 51-end pitches and rhythms

Storm Comin’

  1. 1-30 review
  2. 31-42 pitches and rhythms

Sing My Child

  1. 1-53 review
  2. 54-74 pitches and rhythms

Everyone take care and hope that you enjoy the week ahead.
