Hello Everyone,
It was so nice to see you on Monday at rehearsal. It was a wonderful 90 minutes of music in the midst of the turmoil our last couple of weeks…and oh yeah, the pandemic.
We spent the bulk of our rehearsal working on The Angel and Izar ederrack, focusing on the Russian and Basque pronunciation. We then sang as Deb played voice parts – Yay Deb! – and with The Angel recording.
We also reviewed the details for the collaborative piece for the Choirs for Cancer – ‘From Now On.’ If you want to participate in that project, review my last email for details. There are two corrections in the score: delete m. 42 and add a measure after m. 69 so that there are 3 measures of whole notes. Don’t send me your recording – follow the instructions from the festival organizers (check my last email).
Please let me know if there are any errors in the participant list (below) for Snow Angel 5. Thank you for sending your recordings!
Karla Byrnes
Laura Cartier
Jenn Collins
Jeanne Condron
Marty Crank
Patty Daniel
Laura Delauney
Nancy Donny
Marsha Ferguson
Jan French
Shelley Hedtke
Janet Huebner
Kathleen Jasinskas (audio only)
Kay Johnson
Lauren Keller
Virginia Byers Kraus
Anne Menkens
Ayumi Nakamae
Lara Olson (audio only)
Julia Rogers
Tina Sanderford
Betty Schumacher
Katie Shrieves
Doris Sigl
Kimberly Slenz-Kesler
Rachel Spencer
Jennie Vaughn
Jaclyn Walters
Diane Wold
Looking Forward to 1/18/21
This will be our last rehearsal of the season – no rehearsal 1/25/21. I will see you again for our concert preview on February 1st.
Our rehearsal focus will be the remaining measures of The Angel and Izar ederrack.
We will also sing through the following with YouTube recordings. I will share a PDF of the score so you do NOT need to print these if you have not already:
So Many Angels!
Angel za bolne
Duo Seraphim
Angel Band
I hope you have a beautiful rest of your week.
Virtual hugs,