Hello Everyone,
I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. Yay us!
If you missed rehearsal, the link is below if you would like to see what we were up to in your absence. I would direct your attention to the end of the rehearsal – Kay shared with us all a wonderful breakdown of our leadership structure as a reminder of who we go to when we have suggestions or concerns regarding the various facets of WVC. It’s easy to find if you scroll over – blue and white PowerPoint. This is also going to be on the website, I do believe, so you can check it out there.
WVC Rehearsal 11/9/20
I shared our Angels of Mercy virtual project last night and it was really fun watching it with everyone. I have uploaded it to the WVC YouTube channel – hope you enjoy it! It’s always going to be better to watch it on your own straight from YouTube because we all know that Zoom has its audio/video sync limitations (but I am grateful for the platform that allows us to continue to meet!). Thanks again, to Jackie for her work on the project and congratulations to all of the singers who participated. Please feel free to share the link far and wide. Our virtual audience is potentially much larger than our in person audience.
Angels of Mercy
Our recording schedule for Snow Angel is as follows (I will have the guide tracks and forms ready to go on the website soon):
Movements 3 and 4 due 11/23/20
Movements 1 and 2 due 12/14/20
Movement 5 due 1/11/21
Project notes:
- You can choose to record none, one, some, or all movements. It’s totally up to you. If you choose to just record one, I would encourage you to record Movement 4, but please do as you feel comfortable.
- Movement 4 – if you would like to sing the small group part, submit two separate recordings – one of you singing your regular voice part and one of you singing the small group part. This opportunity is open to all – I will review these recordings and select from those that have submitted. I may or may not use them all – I can’t determine that until I see/hear what is submitted and can determine a good mix and flow.
- Record each movement separately, regardless of whether two movements have the same submission date.
- Wear solid black, blue (any shade), or gray.
- It’s better for you to be farther away from your recording device than close up – I can always zoom in and crop the excess on your video but cannot digitally “zoom out” if you are too close (results in big heads in the project!).
- A neutral background is best – it helps to create a smooth visual flow and not distract from our musical presentation.
- You can choose to record audio and video separately or just one or the other. When you submit your recording, indicate in the comment section if you are submitting just one or the other. If you want to record the audio first and then the video separately, don’t wear your earbuds when you record your video! I will need to hear the guide track playing as you sing along to it in order to sync your video in the project. And do actually sing – if you just move your mouth you will not look like you are singing. But, you don’t have to worry about the quality of your singing because after I use the audio to sync the video, I will mute the sound.
- There is a lot to think about when recording, but as much as you’re able, try to visualize yourself singing in a face-to-face performance and strive for an expressive face. We want to engage as fully as possible when we sing and draw our listeners/viewers in, just as we strive to do in a live performance.
Looking Ahead to 11/16/20
Our own vocal superstar, Kathleen, will lead us in a lesson to help us access our higher ranges (Mr. Adorable (Owen) is feeling better – yay!). Wasn’t Kathleen’s high C at the end of Angels of Mercy glorious?!? As I mentioned in rehearsal, I have fun watching the video and pretending it is coming out of my wide open mouth. 🙂
We will focus most heavily on Snow Angel movements 3 and 4 since that is our upcoming recording submission date.
Our superstar Russian scholar, Jasmine, will lead us in our introduction to Rachmaninoff’s The Angel. Can’t wait!
Looking Ahead to 11/23/20
We will focus most heavily on Snow Angel movements 1 and 2.
We will review our Russian (thanks, Jasmine!)
As we have time, we will read/sing through Gwyneth Walker’s So Many Angels! (some members already know this wonderful piece – such fun!
During the latter part of our rehearsal, I will take us on a “backstage” tour of virtual choir production.
Yay us!