Dear Singers,

WVC link  here!

And a reminder (and thanks to Deb) for those with a rhythm challenge at m.105 of Snow Angels, #4 Sweet Child:

Oh        | yumm, |    ap-ple pie,   please | give me some more | (more)               Oh  |  yumm,… (same as before)
4 e + a | 1 e + a | 2 e + a | 3 e + a          | 4      e    +       a       |   1    2    3    4 e + a |  1 e + a

Note:  The pickup note on the word, “Oh,” is worth a quarter note the first time and an 8th note the second time.  The first syllable of “apple” falls on the syncopated part of beat two.

Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President