Dear Singers,
A week from today on Monday, August 31, we get to join together and sing! The rehearsal starts at 7:30, but all are welcome a half hour early at 7 pm to chat during our “Happy Half Hour.”
Zoom Logistics
You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074. We will use the same Zoom connection for all Monday rehearsals. Additional information including dial-in numbers is on the calendar page of the website and the google calendar.
We plan a brief “Welcome and Zoom Review” at the beginning of our first meeting. Our very approachable Membership Chair, Brenda Edwards, has offered to set up a practice zoom meeting with anyone who might want a little extra help feeling comfortable with zoom before the first rehearsal – or Text at (919 ) 475-1163. If you have difficulty accessing on Monday, August 31, please contact Brenda or Cheryl Denardo – or Text at (510) 213-3494.
While you are welcome to come and go from our Zoom meetings, we’d really like you to stay with us as much as possible. In particular, we would like all singers to stay through the whole shared rehearsal time our first week (and we do anticipate ending a little early.) We promise that there will be more singing and less logistics discussion in future sessions.
Our first rehearsal will be on Monday, August 31.
- 7:00-7:30 p.m. – optional Happy Half Hour for visiting
- 7:30-7:50 p.m. – Full Chorus Welcome and Orientation
- 7:50 -8:40 p.m. – Warm-ups and singing!
- 8:40-8:45 p.m. – Break
- 8:45 – 9:15 pm – Simple steps to participating in a virtual choir
- 9:15- 9:30 p.m. – Question and answer time.
Dues Reminder
If you’ve registered but still need to pay dues, go to our Square Store and scroll down to Dues. Options are available for Members and for Guest Singers. Alternatively, you can mail a check to WVC, PO Box 2854, Chapel Hill, NC 27515. Scholarship funds are available for partial or full dues amounts or you may pay in smaller installments. As always, dues arrangements are confidential.
We ask that dues are paid or scholarship/alternate payment requests are made before the first rehearsal on August 31. If you aren’t sure whether your payment has been received or to make alternate arrangements please email chorus treasurer Karla Byrnes (
WVC Website Member Section
Guests, if you haven’t already, please set up a member account on the website. This is where you’ll find scores that can be downloaded, practice files and links to recordings, access to the calendar, and lots of other information. Instructions were sent to you when you registered. If you didn’t get the information or if you need technical assistance, email
Looking forward to singing with you, renewing old friendships and creating new ones!
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President