Hello Everyone,

I hope that you are doing well. It was wonderful to see so many of you at our sample rehearsal on 8/3/20.

Attached is a PDF with rehearsal links – it’s self explanatory – you can click through the links and/or watch the Zoom rehearsal video. There is a “bonus link” at the bottom of the page to one of Roger Hale’s warm up sequences. He does a nice job and I think you will enjoy “dusting off your voice” if you have taken a rest from singing these past months. Also, working on Cheryl Porter’s “niiiiiiiiiiiiineteeeeeeen” a few times a day will get your voice moving!

At the top of the PDF is a link to the Zoom recording of our rehearsal if you would like to see/hear what you missed. I am waiting on a few items of tech equipment that have been backordered since May so I appreciate your patience regarding the background hiss on my laptop. The fans blow a lot when I am on Zoom and/or editing video/audio and although I find it very annoying I appreciate that my laptop is not going to burst into flames. Since Monday’s rehearsal I have found a work around so we should not have to listen to my noisy MacBook at future rehearsals. (optimistically YAY!)

I have confirmed two guest artists that I am very excited about for this fall – Maestra D’Walla Simmons-Burke (Winston-Salem State University) and Master Director Kathleen Hansen (San Diego Choruses and GALA Choruses Artistic Advisor). I am waiting to hear back from Sarah Quartel, composer of one of our pieces for the fall – Snow Angel in five movements for SSAA voices, piano, cello, and djembe. I hope that she will be able to join us, as well.

I am working on a collaboration for us with Ginger Wyrick and the UNC-Charlotte Women’s Chorus and Shannon Gravelle and the Meredith College Chorale. I am excited to share those details with you when we meet again. I have several other projects in mind in addition to our angel repertoire…we will see where the fall takes us.

Our performances will be virtual for now, and although different from our traditional concerts, I am hopeful that they will be meaningful and enjoyable for all.

I am busy preparing for our rehearsals this fall – I anticipate that they will be full of fulfilling music making, framed by rich discussion, and of course time for gathering and enjoying one another’s company.

I’m excited about welcoming guests to our upcoming rehearsals – it will be fun to “make new friends…but keep the old… (are you singing along?) …one is silver and the other gold.”
