Hello Everyone,

I hope that you are and your families are all doing well.

I am sorry that we were not able to share our music with the community yesterday. I do look forward to the day when we are singing all of our amazing music again. One day we will! I spent the day with “I Started Out Singing” running through my mind. Luckily, it wasn’t “Joy” or I probably would have had to run up and down the street a zillion times yelling “I am wild, I am wild!” That might have caused a neighborhood stir!

As we welcome May on Friday, I have a canon for us to sing in honor of May Day.

Be Welcome – Melody by Franz Schubert (1797-1828), arr. Andy Beck. You will find the music on page 6. The flowers are growing in my yard (peonies, crimson clover, and spiderwort). We sure are having beautiful weather today!

The text is:
Be welcome, gentle month of May,
with wren and robin’s roundelay.

If you want to sing it in German, the text is:
Willkommen, lieber schöner Mai,
dir töntder Vögel Lobgesang.

Looking forward to our angel repertoire, here is a powerful piece:

Revelation – Z. Randall Stroope – Book of Revelation 8-11

Performance of Revelation (ends at 5:26 and another song begins)

Seven angels,
and seven spirits,
and seven trumpets,
Seven judgements!
The first angel sounded the trumpet!
The first trumpet!
There was hail and fire hurled down on the earth!
The second angel sounded the trumpet!
There was something like a huge mountain,
All ablaze with fire!
Fire like a huge mountain thrown into the sea!
And the sea turned to blood,
And sea creatures died,
And ships destroyed,
And the third angel trumpet sounded.
And the water turned bitter, too foul to drink,
And the sun and moon and the stars turned black at the sound of the fourth trumpet.
And the fifth angel sounded his trumpet.
I saw a star open the Abyss!
And out of the Abyss came locusts!
Sun and sky were darkened!
The locusts, they looked like horses with a human face and teeth like lion, tail like scorpion!
And the sixth angel stood, and sounded the trumpet,
But like a steady beating drum the people refused to listen,
Then I saw another mighty angel,
Robed in white clouds,
Play the final trumpet throughout all the kingdom.
And the heavens opened, and the people cried holy!
The seven angels, the seven trumpets, the revelation!
Seven angels, and seven spirits, and seven trumpets, seven judgements!
