Hello Everyone,

I have missed us this week!

Thank you, Kay for our announcements last night. What a wonderful slate of board candidates! Thank you for all of the work you continue to do, even as we face these challenging times.

I recorded another 4-part canon for us. The challenge is to sing it 4 times, trying a different entrance each time. It’s called Candlelight Cannon by Andy Beck. It is in G-Major and in 3/4 time. Here is a recording so that you can learn the melody.
The text is:
In the glow of candlelight,
All of the world comes together tonight.
And in the glow of the candles we see
Peace for you and peace for me (repeat the last phrase). 

Enjoy! (Locations – downstairs living room and upstairs guest bathroom – haha!)

Here is a silly song, Bim Bum Biddy. It will challenge your coordination!

Have you been singing this week with Jodie O’Regen? Let’s keep our voices moving!

Don’t forget Six Feet Away led by Cheryl Porter.

Here is a preview of our January angel repertoire:

Izae ederrak by Josu Elberdin
(This piece will also work with the star repertoire I am gathering for a future concert!) This is a SATB recording – there is not a good SSAA recording – I think we need to make one!

The language is Basque. The song is the story of a beautiful, shining star, surrounded by eight angels, one of whom is “lovesick” for the star.

Izar ederrak
argi egiten dau zeru altuan bakarrik,
ez da bakarrik,
Laguna ditto, Juan zerukoak embanik.

Zazpi anger alboan ditto,
zortzigarrena gaixorik.
Zazpi medic ekarri deutsez
India Madriletatik.

Izar edderrak
argh whiten day zero Altman bakarrik,
ez da bakarrik,
Laguna ditto, Juan zerukoak embanik.

Arek igarri nundik dagoan gaixorik:
Amore mina badituz one erraietan sarturik.

The beautiful star
that shines alone in the high heavens,
she’s not alone,
she has friends that God gives her.

She has seven angels,
thee eighth is sick.
They brought seven
Indian doctors from Madrid.

The beautiful star
that shines alone int he high heavens.
she’s not alone,
she has friends that God gives her.

One doctor says about the angel:
“This is the heartbreak in her soul.”

I will continue to send weekly emails but please know that I think of us everyday.

Wishing peace and good health to all of my sisters in song,