Dear Singers,

A special email went out Friday night. In summary, we value the health of our singers and audience and so have cancelled future rehearsals as well as our concert.  (See that email for additional details.)


Even with a cancelled concert, we have a little housekeeping.  We need each singer to turn in all music in concert order (see attachment for concert order), black folders and ticket envelopes. (See details on ticket envelopes below.)

3 Ways to Turn in Materials

  1. HTLC Parking Lot (Older Building) – 6:45-7:45 We will have a table with clearly labeled boxes.  You will not need to come in contact with anyone.  However, Lara, Karla and I will be there to help you or to answer questions.
  2. Return Materials by mail as follows:
    a) Music (in concert order – see attached document for that order) to – Nancy Donny, 113 Mossbark Ln., Chapel Hill, NC, 27514
    b) Folders to  – Sue Regier, 501 Valley Dr., Durham, NC 27704
    c) Ticket Envelopes to – Karla Byrnes, 303 Brandywine Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27516 OR send Karla an email letting her know if you haven’t sold any tickets to date
    d) Send me an email, if you are going to mail your materials so we can expect them.
  3. You can drop your music at another member’s front porch

If you elect to drop your materials off at a member’s home, we will contact you to let you know which homes will be available for drop off, based on your location and the location of an available member.

TICKET ENVELOPE INSTRUCTIONS: Any tickets that have been sold may be exchanged for tickets to the Winter 2021 concert, refunded or designated as a donation.   For sold tickets, you may:

  1. Return the money you’ve collected to the person who bought the tickets.
  2. Turn the money in and provide contact info for the buyers (preferably an email address) and whether they would like an exchange, refund, or donation designation.

NOMINATIONS: The following Board Positions are open for nominations:

Vice- President
Membership Chair
Public Relations

We currently have nominations for all open positions, and welcome any additional nominations.  If you have additional nominations for any of these positions, please email a Nominating Committee Member: Amy Glass – or Susan Brown – We will share all nominations received in our Announcements next week.

VIRTUAL TOASTERS: We are very fortunate to have lots of folks we’d like to acknowledge for  virtual toasters: all our current Board Members – Melissa Nolan, Karla Byrnes, Diane Wold, Darcy Wold, Rah Binkley, Lara Olson, Cheryl Denardo, Meg Berreth, Barrie Wallace and Shelley Hedtke AND Laura Delauney for working through possible ways to make our rehearsals available to singers who can’t come to a rehearsal.

Thanks to you all.  Do your best to stay healthy and care for each other.

Best –
