
Thanks to all for the fine rehearsal last week.  Laura and I were delighted with the singing!  What a musical force for good we can be when we support each other. Yay, sisterhood: “Yay us!”

  1. WVC Survey Response: Thanks to the more than half of you who were able to respond to the survey.  If you haven’t yet, follow the link.  We want to make an informed decision and need to hear from more of you!  Summer Benefit Concert Survey
  2. Tickets: Tickets for our spring concert will be distributed at rehearsal on March 2 by Membership Liaisons. Allison Mangin (S2) is our Ticket Manager and can answer questions you have about ticket sales.
    • Each member receives 5 tickets to sell. You may request more tickets at any rehearsal (if possible, please let Allison know ahead of time).
    • Tickets are $17 for adults, $7 for students, and $14 for groups. The group rate is available for groups of 10 or more.
    • You will receive 1 comp ticket for each 5 tickets you sell.
    • Mark the type of ticket sold (adult, student, or group) on both the ticket and stub. Do not tear the stub. Give the entire ticket to the purchaser.
    • We accept cash or checks. Checks should be made out to Women’s Voices Chorus.
    • You may return money and/or unsold tickets in your ticket envelope to Allison or your Membership Liaison at any rehearsal. Please mark your envelope with the number of tickets sold and the amount enclosed in the spaces provided.
    • All unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, April 20.
  1. Concert Ads: What makes a business want to put an ad in our concert program? Duh —  Does it bring in more business?

If you can visit our advertisers and let them know you appreciate their support, it will be much more likely they will renew their ad next time around. We omitted an advertiser from the winter concert: Pam’s Paw Prints. Pam is a great pet groomer in Durham. She has groomed our dogs for 25+ years. She is a total sweetheart. (Thanks for catching the omission to Sue Gidwitz!)

Bonus Announcement: On Tuesday, March 3 at 7:00 pm at First Presbyterian Church in Durham, the Aeolian Choir choir from Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama will present a repertoire of choral music ranging from the Baroque era to the 20th century. The Aeolians are the winners of a host of awards, including being the World Choir Games Spirituals Champions, as well as the Choir of the World Champions 2017. In 2019, they became the first historically Black college university choir to perform at the National ACDA Conference. Triangle Sings reports that the performance is free! They are well worth your time.

Best –

Kay Johnson, President