Hello All,

It’s concert week! Our inboxes are busy with ALL the things. Please forgive one more email.

I spent most of today listening to the rehearsal recording that I made at our tech rehearsal last night. If you would like to listen, the files are here: WVC Rehearsal Recordings. We did not have a single run through of Nada Te Turbe so I included two snapshots. I hope that if you listen, you will find as many moments to celebrate as did I! We will tighten a few loose ends on Thursday. I will have a prioritized list ready for us to work through.

We are ready to share a very beautiful and compelling concert on Saturday and I am so looking forward to it. We will polish up details on Thursday but I want you to know that I feel excited and ready and Thursday night will not be a cram and jam session. Rather, we will have fun working out those few last details. At the end of rehearsal we will know that we are as ready as humanly possible. At the end of our rehearsal on Thursday, I know that we will leave feeling proud and accomplished – ready to share all the music we have together brought to life.

You already received notes earlier today from Ann (thank you!). Below are notes from Deb, Laura D. and Kay – I asked them to help with some feedback and they have given us details that we can think about and rehearse on Thursday. Thank you for your insight!

From Deb:

My People…
last time through was significantly better – much more dramatic and intense (yeah!)
m 142 – to reiterate what Ann suggested, the Db with the word “bleed” could be allot more intense.  I realize there is a diminuendo, but maybe emphasize the “bl” a bit more to stress the word.
m 164 – soft but intense
m 165-66 – rhythm cleaner

I Sing that…
pickup to measure 1:  Can the “I” be more sung?  The word “sing” is audible, but the “I” just barely heard.  Maybe it’s a matter of more legato between the first two words?
m 26 – more magical on “HOPE” – this is such a great moment here!

Shule Agra
m 33 – A2 – the word “WISH” is really dark and throaty.  A little lighter and forward?

m 33, less cello and more voice

m 7 – make triplet more legato
m 19 – tenuto on “faith is the bird” – each note has a tenuto on it, and it comes across as staccato, rather than connected
m 44-51 – open up to the F more
m 57 – tune the pickup note

Now Let Me Fly
m 35 – sync the “Ss” in celestial shore better

From Laura D.:

I had to turn in my music last night, so I don’t have many specifics to offer.  The main thing I noticed from the audience is the need for heads to be lifted and faces to be engaged. They are so far away, so exaggerated facial communication and connection is a must.  And if there’s any lighting adjustment that could be made to brighten up the choir area, that could be helpful. (Cheryl and I are working on this)

I also wonder if having folks stagger themselves on their row (1 forward, 1 back) would help us be able to see even more faces.  As it was, the people in the sides were pretty obscured by whoever was on the end of the row. (Let’s make this adjustment – we will work through it on Thursday).

You touched on this several times already, and we know it’s a goal for continued progress, but soft singing with energy and intensity (and obv all varied dynamics) will make such a difference for so many of the pieces.

A moment we have achieved before that I wished to hear again was the swells with a little forward momentum in the Ahs of Tree of Peace.

I second all of Ann’s notes, as well!

I know you guys are going to have a wonderful concert.  I’ll be cheering for you from Atlanta, and hopefully I’ll make it to the listening party Monday to hear the final product!

There were many wonderful moments last night!

From Kay:

Just a couple comments in “My People are Rising:”
Top of p. 13 – I think the “sh”s are the scattering of moths, not a request for silence, so there has to be a diminuendo and the last “sh” in m. 79 has to be nearly inaudible.  The following text comes from that place of near silence.  Specifically, In m. 137 – so soft with more dynamic contrast – it’s a little prayer in a big complicated world!
The opening pedal was much better on the second time around, but it might help to point out that it’s the alto pedal is the same note as the starting note/lowest note on the violin.

In general there are a number of spots where a section has an exposed entrance and it takes a beat or two to agree on the starting note both in terms of pitch and the exact time of the entrance.    I believe that you mentioned m.99 in “My People …”

Three cheers for WVC!