Hello Everyone,
Happy New Year!
I have missed you/us and I am very much looking forward to our Monday rehearsal.
Reflecting on our last rehearsal, we accomplished the musical flow of our concert with many wonderfully artistic moments. Our biggest challenge was that our intonation was not as good as it had been for our two earlier December rehearsals. I decided to not stress over it because it could have been due to any number of factors including fatigue, illness, or members absent. I’m hoping that we return to WVC with spirits and bodies renewed!
On a logistical note, please let Meg or me know if you are not planning to return to WVC after our concert as we are planning auditions now. Thank you to those who have already shared this information.
While we may sing through all of our repertoire on Monday evening, please do not be distressed if we do not have time to cover it all. We will sing through all of it on our two upcoming technical rehearsals. Please remember the very helpful notes that Deb gave us to think about and review those if you have not already.
Our priorities for Monday night will be:
- My People Are Rising – Carol Barnett: review all
- The Peace of Wild Things – Sean Ivory: review all, especially singing mm. 13-24 without pitch drift. We will tune to the Bs, Ds, and F#s, especially occuring in the S2 and A1 parts. (S2s, please review m. 21, Bb to G). We will also focus on reviewing mm. 51-74.
- Faith is the Bird – Elizabeth Alexander: mm. 22-43. S1s, please note the Ab and A in mm. 27 and 40.
- Now Let Me Fly – Stacey V. Gibbs: review all
- The Valley – arr. Beth Hanson: review all
Our other consideration, as we have time, will be to see if we are able to successfully sing in mixed formation for:
A Path to Each Other (We know that we can!)
I Sing That My Voice May Be Heard
Swing Low
Faith is the Bird
I look forward to greeting you all with a joyous Happy New Year in person on Monday!