Hello Everyone,

Thank you for a wonderful rehearsal Monday evening. Our ongoing challenge is intonation but, with that said, there were many beautiful aspects of our rehearsal. We sang through our repertoire with a high level of attention to expressive details – dynamics, phrasing, articulation, tempos – much to celebrate! There were few missteps in terms of entrances and releases and we can clarify those at our next rehearsal in case I am not being clear.

When I left rehearsal I received news about the sudden passing of a friend, so Andrew and I are traveling to be with his family and attend his funeral.

I will send detailed notes when I return from my travels. In the meantime, Deb took wonderful notes while we were singing our a cappella pieces. Thanks, Deb!!

From Deb:

In general, listen to each other more to match pitches and rhythms.  This takes work, but changes things dramatically.
In general, stay on vowels so everything is more legato, even text with lots of consonants.  It’s easier to understand when it’s not too detached.

I Sing:
page 4, the word ‘voice’, hold onto the vowel longer; I heard a lot of sausage singing, closing down to the consonants earlier than is desirable.
page 5, more of an open vowel on the word ‘sing’
page 6, more open space in the word ‘heard’

Faith is the Bird:
again, more legato throughout; sweep through to ends of phrases to show direction of line
page 2, m. 22, tighter on entrance to m. 23
page 3 – everyone (especially sopranos), think above the imaginary paper (upper space in the mouth) to help hold pitch
page 5, m 57 – more legato, what’s the direction of the phrase?

Now Let Me Fly:
page 7, m 37, pitch first note for sopranos (practice the leap from previous measure)
storytelling sections – a little more legato, even though the consonants have to be clear, it’s more understandable if it’s legato
page 15 – A2 leap to F# never quite made it, think lighter and prepare the position for the higher octave when you’re on the lower octave (upper space!)

Shule Agra:
m 12-13 – this sounded a little nasal to me last night, perhaps a more open, expansive sound (all about the vowels)
m 10 – a little less sound from S1
m 23 section – listen to each other (S1 and A1, then all) – need to be snug as a bug in a rug:) – should sound like one voice because you are so in sync with each other
m 49 – release together
m 55 – arrive on last note together

I hope that everyone has a lovely holiday,
