1) Welcome Reception: Thanks to more folks than I can name for the lovely welcoming reception today! Special thanks to this week’s tiara recipients: Trisha Socias for the lovely flowers; Carli Webb for the wonderful warm food; Shelley Hedke for the much appreciated punch and Rah Bickley for her vision! Of course there is a huge and wonderful supporting cast!
2) Rehearsal Latecomers: The following members have graciously offered to take calls/texts from singers who need to arrive after 7:40 – And It’s the right phone number for Leigh!
Leigh Denny, S2 (910) 512-5338
Amy Glass, S2 (919) 491-0880
Sarah Zink, A2 (919) 360-1065
3)Just a little more Meal Help: A sister still in need! Gail Freeman (A2) suffered a stroke some weeks back. If you are willing to make Gail and her partner Sue (A1) a meal, please use the sign up:
Kay Johnson, WVC President