Dear Singers,

1) Welcoming Reception: Our reception to welcome Laura Sam will be on Sunday, Oct. 6, 1:30-3:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse at the UNC Farm, 1 Alice Ingram Circle, Chapel Hill.   We plan to sing “A Path to Each Other” at about 2 o’ clock.  We hope to both see and hear you there!

2) Memorization Reminder: “A Path to Each Other” is sheet music free as of tomorrow!

3) Rehearsal Latecomers: The following members have graciously offered to take calls/texts from singers who need to arrive after 7:40 –

Leigh Denny, S2 (919) 512-5338

Amy Glass, S2 (919) 491-0880

Sarah Zink, A2 (919) 360-1065

4) Social Media Information: Excerpt from Women’s Voices Chorus Handbook –

Public Facebook Page: WVC has an official, public page on Facebook. This is where we post news about concerts, reviews, auditions, fundraisers, retreats, and other items of general interest. We also share videos and pictures of birthday celebrations, tiara recipients, and other events. We do NOT tag individuals in photos or posts. If you are on Facebook and haven’t already done so, “like” our page and invite your friends. The page is at

Private Facebook Group: We also have a private Facebook group, called Sisters of WVC, for current and former members and directors. This is a place where we can talk about anything, whether it’s choir-related or not—share news, ask for advice, mingle, participate in the great pie vs. cake debate, and get to know one another. The group is set to “secret,” which means whatever is posted there can be seen only by group members. Any member of the group can add others, but the administrator must approve the addition.

Instagram: You can also follow us on Instagram. Search for womensvoiceschorus and look for our logo or access it here:

Don’t worry if you’re not on social media or if you’re not interested in getting involved. No official chorus information will be posted on either the official public page or the private group that is not first sent directly to your email, announced at rehearsal, or posted on our website.

5) Retreat: Hold Saturday, October 19, 9:30 – 3:00 at Chapel of the Pines.  More details next week!

6) Grant Received: WVC has, once again, received a Grassroots Grant from Orange County Arts Commission!  As a part of that grant, we’ll be welcoming the Carrboro High School Women’s Enesmble to join us at our January concert.  We’re very happy to invite Director Valerie Puhala and her singers.

Best –

Kay Johnson, WVC President