
1) Welcoming Reception: You should have already received an invitation!  Please let me know if you haven’t received one.  If you have, let us know if you can be there!  Our reception to welcome Laura Sam will be on Sunday, Oct. 6, 1:30-3:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse at the UNC Farm, 1 Alice Ingram Circle, Chapel Hill. We could still use your help for the event. Click here to see what help is needed and sign up.

2) News from our new librarian: Please welcome Nancy Donny as our new librarian.  If you haven’t given her your personally numbered manila music folder, please give it to her.  She’ll take care of it and it will have fewer trips to and from rehearsals.

3) News from new social media staff: Brenda Edwards is a new social media specialist for WVC with back up from Britt Kelly.  WVC has an active social media life and would love to have you take part.  Please see the excerpt from the social media section of our handbook below.

4) A small note from Laura’s notes:  A Path to Each Other needs to be memorized by our 9/30 rehearsal.  Refer to her notes for intonation aids.  We’d really like to make the halls ring with perfect intonation!

WVC Handbook 2019-2020 – Social Media

Best –

Kay Johnson, WVC President