Dear Singers,

WVC link  here!

Monday’s Fest
1. Wear your Baubles, Bangles and Bright Shiny Beads!
2. Beverages and edible goodies are self-serve.
3. We’ll be playing some games and singing some songs.  We’d love to be able to see as many faces as possible when we sing, so in case you need a few old texts, the links are listed below. Feel free to print them, show them in a separate window, on a separate device, or just sing them from memory.  (Only one verse each!)

Opener: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Between games: Sleigh Ride

White Christmas

Between games: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Chestnuts Roasting by an Open Fire

Closing: Let There be Peace on Earth

Upcoming Concert Event and Listening Party

We’ll be holding our virtual listening party for our next concert BEFORE the concert .  The listening party will be on January 25 at our usual meeting time and in our usual “virtual” meeting place for the last rehearsal night in the first semester.  We’re scheduling the actual concert release for guests, friends and family on Sunday afternoon, January 31.  Details to follow!

Angel Gallery Production

If you are the lead composer or contact for an Angel Gallery contact, please read the separate email I’ve sent, so that we can develop our final production needs and schedule.

Spring Semester

The Board has made the decision to continue with a virtual format for our Spring Semester. As with Winter semester, participation in any rehearsals and virtual choir projects is optional. All current guests are more than welcome to rejoin. We are asking ALL guests and members (including any currently on Leave of Absence) to let us know your plans by completing this very short form no later than Monday, January 11, 2021. Please see the attached document for more details.

Next Rehearsal – Monday, January 4

Wishing you all a peaceful holiday season.

Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President