Dear Singers,
Looking forward to our rehearsal tomorrow night and our holiday celebration!
New Rehearsal/Concert Seating Arrangement – Attached is the updated seating arrangement for the mixed formation in rehearsal and our winter concert. There will be cards placed on the seats, but please take a moment to find your spot to limit confusion at the start of rehearsal. Special thanks to Karla, Laura, and Kinley for all of their efforts to arrange singers to optimize our sound, accommodate individual needs, taking into consideration heights, ‘part buddies’, and the challenges of our concert space at our new concert venue. This was an incredible logistical feat and I ask for your patience, as small changes may be required.
Concert order – Attached is the final concert order so you can arrange your music early if you so choose.
Holiday Celebration – We will be having a holiday social/sing-a-long tomorrow evening Monday, December 18th after rehearsal. Please consider bringing a holiday treat to share. Reminder, no alcohol is allowed at Holy Trinity, as per our contract. There will be informal sing along and time to socialize and celebrate the end of 2023 together.
Concert Ads –Please continue to sell or buy ads or tributes for the program. The forms are available on the WVC website “Store” page, here. The deadline for ordering is December 21, 2023.
Concert Postcards/Business Cards – please continue to distribute our concert information with your family, friends, and larger community. Let‘s get the word out. NOTE: As it turns out, due to changes at the USPS, postcards now require a first class stamp because our postcards exceed the size that is now considered a postcard. Sorry for the change.
Shout-out – This week I would like to give a group shout-out to everyone working on the PR committee! Shelley Turkington leads the committee and manages all of the logistics required to coordinate advertising for the chorus and our concerts, which involves e-news, radio ads, and postings on social media. Of course, she does not do this work alone. We have an editing committee composed of Amie Tedeschi, Betty Schumacher, and Sheryl Fowler who review all texts and radio scripts prior to their release. Mia Prior has been working on radio ads this year. Trisha Socias who heads up social media, takes all of our photos and promptly posts them on our Facebook page. Mariah Howe has designed the beautiful graphics for our upcoming concert and of course, Karla Byrnes who guides everyone with her vast knowledge and incredible organization skills. Thank you ALL for all of your hard work – we appreciate you!
Zoom Link for Rehearsal: You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
See you tomorrow night!