Dear Singers,
WVC link here!
Renaming for our December 14 Rehearsal
We’re going to be in Break Out Rooms for 6 parts and then for 2 parts. We will begin in 3 rooms (2 parts to a room) and then go to 2 parts. Here’s how we’re going to rename ourselves just once!
S – For all the folks who always sing the top line in 3-part
MS – For the mezzos who sing soprano in 2-part music
MA – For the mezzos who sing alto in 2-part music
A – For all the folks who always sing the bottom line in 3-part
Said differently, check which part you sing for 6 part splits –
– The top 2 parts (“1″s and “2”s) will designate themselves simply as “S.”
– All the “3”s will designate themselves as MS.
– All the “4”s will designate themselves as MA.
– The “5”s and “6”s will designate themselves simply as “A.”
If you are uncertain of your part, check the splits here
Concert Review
Here’s the link to our December 5, 2020, Combined Zoom Concert Review :
Festive Music Night
Our last rehearsal before our break will be on Monday, December 21. Come in your Festive Apparel – that would be anything from PJs to Sequins or both! We’ll be having a fun night of musical games and General Fun lasting about an hour and 20 minutes!
Angel Gallery
We’ve got great submissions for our Angel Gallery. If you submitted a piece I will be contacting you to work out how we should arrange your piece and decide how many singers we may need and/or how we can best use the art works that we have to bring out the best in the music and the art.
We’d like to make the Gallery the best we can, so the project end date will be determined by how we are able to proceed with producing the individual pieces and putting them all together.
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President