Dear Singers,

Hope everyone had a good week.  Please take a moment to read the announcements below:

Sectionals – We will have sectionals again tomorrow night at 6:45PM.

Holiday Celebration – We will be having a holiday social/sing-a-long next Monday, December 18th after rehearsal.

Diversity Update – Thank you so much to all of you who participated in our second diversity survey. We are attaching a summary of the results, and we will consider your responses as we move forward. Meanwhile, if you have any comments or suggestions you wish you had written on the survey or any thoughts about diversity at any time, you are always welcome to submit them through the Google form for comments to the Diversity Committee on the DEI resources page of the website (you need to be logged-in to access the page).

Monthly Fundraising Progress – attached is the graphic depicting the funds raised as of 11/30/2023.  Thank you to everyone!

Concert Postcards/Business Cards – please continue to distribute our concert information with your family, friends, and larger community. Let‘s get the word out. NOTE:  As it turns out, due to changes at the USPS, postcards now require a first class stamp because our postcards exceed the size that is now considered a postcard.  Sorry for the change.

Concert Ads –Please continue to sell or buy ads or tributes for the program. The forms are available on the WVC website “Store” page, here. The deadline for ordering is December 21, 2023.

Shout-out – This week I would like to give a shout-out to Hannah Andrews (S2).  Each time WVC receives a donation, a handwritten thank you note is returned expressing our appreciation for their contribution.  On several occasions, I have received emails or comments from donors praising Hannah specifically for her beautiful and thoughtful notes of thanks.  Thank you Hannah for being an outstanding ambassador for Women’s Voices Chorus.  We appreciate you and our supporters look forward to your correspondence!

December Birthdays – Please join me in wishing the following members a very Happy December Birthday:  Rebecca Bruening (12/2), Jan French (12/27), Kay Johnson (12/28), and Sue Regier (12/31).

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

See you tomorrow night!
