Dear Singers,

Fundraising Update – Please see the attached PDF of funds Operational Funds raised as of November 31, 2022. Thank you to WVC members and family & friends of WVC for your continued support!

Diversity Committee – The Diversity Committee has reconvened, and they are working on ways to bring more diversity, equity, and inclusion to Women’s Voices. They’d like to hear from you, both now and whenever anything comes up in the future. They want to hear whatever suggestions, comments, or concerns you have related to making WVC a truly welcoming place for all. These can be anonymous, or you can let them know who you are. You can talk to any committee member in person if you wish (Rachel Bowman-Abdi, Sue Gidwitz, Janet Huebner, Caryl Price, and Leandra Strope). You can also fill out this Google form. Rachel will send this form out in a separate email with the heading “Comments for Diversity Committee” so you can find it easily again. You can answer it any time and as many times as you wish, so if something comes up in the future, just search for the form in your inbox and fill it out.

Holiday Social on December 19th – Please plan to bring a goodie to share at our rehearsal that evening (cookies, chocolates, etc) to celebrate the upcoming holidays! We will end rehearsal a little early to partake in the festivities!

Program Ads – Deadline for Ads to appear in the program for the Winter Concert is December 21st.  Attached is the form for placing ads. Please let Sheila know if you have sold any ads for our upcoming concert and submit the form and payment promptly.

Concert Tickets. If you have any questions, reach out to Allison Mangin (S2), our Ticket Manager. All unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, Jan 16.  If you would like to pay for presale tickets with Venmo (@WomensVoicesChorus) or PayPal (

  • Have ticket purchasers pay you directly and pay the total from your account.
  • Add a note to the online payment that it is for presale tickets and include your name.
  • Hand in your envelope with the types of tickets sold and the amount collected, note that it was paid on Venmo or PayPal, and include your Venmo id or PayPal email address.

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

Thanks everyone – see you tomorrow night!

Janet Huebner,
President, Women’s Voices Chorus