Dear Singers,
Lots of announcements this week so please take a moment to review:
Sectional on Monday night – from 6:45-7:25. Please let your section leader know if you have specific areas of concern, or bring your questions to the sectional and we will answer them next Monday.
Solo Auditions – Due December 10th
Bright Morning Stars (Solo 1, Solo 2, Solo 3) mm. 1-9 (I don’t need to also hear mm. 31-40 since it is essentially the same with just a minor rhythm change)
My Lord, What a Morning mm. 41-44
The Dawn is Not Distant mm. 14-25
I Got the Sun in the Morning mm. 2-16, 54-69
First Friday Success! A very special shout out to all of our members who took time to attend the extra rehearsals as well as made themselves available on a Friday evening (on a work day) to join us for the First Fridays Holiday sing-a-long last night in Hillsborough. Thank you to Brystana Kaufman, Jan French, Rah Bickley, Sheryl Fowler, Sue Regier, Clare Strayhorn, Kay Johnson, Diane Wold, Darcy Wold, Sally Molyneux, Sue Gidwitz, Allison Mangin, Wendy Hua, Lauren Keller, Anne Menkens, Rachel Bowman-Abdi, Ellie Sheridan, Meg Berreth, Jackie Walters, Shelley Hedtke, Hannah Andrews, and Shipra Patel. Sharing your time and talent allowed us to represent WVC in our community, share some holiday joy, plug our January concert, and earn the chorus $300! I hope you enjoyed the event. Thanks to Kay for providing the ‘jingles and jangles’ and special thanks to Laura for selecting the music, the extra rehearsal time, and of course, the accompaniment! We very much appreciate you! If you borrowed a holiday scarf, a book light from Kay, or still have not returned your music, either at the event or because you had to miss it, please take a moment to put the items with your chorus music so you can bring them to rehearsal on Monday.
Holiday Social on December 19th – Please plan to bring a goodie to share at our rehearsal that evening (cookies, chocolates, etc) to celebrate the upcoming holidays! We will end rehearsal a little early to partake in the festivities !
Program Ads – Deadline for Ads to appear in the program for the Winter Concert is December 21st. Here is the form for placing ads. Please let Sheila know if you have sold any ads for our upcoming concert and submit the form and payment promptly.
Concert Tickets. If you have any questions, reach out to Allison Mangin (S2), our Ticket Manager. All unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, Jan 16.
Shout out this week: This week’s shout out goes to Shelley Turkington. Shelley is the Chair of the Public Relations Committee, which is responsible for all public materials on behalf of the chorus including website content, e-news announcements, media contacts and graphic arts. Shelley recently successfully launched the Giving Tuesday Campaign, which enabled the chorus to raise $1000, generously matched by several anonymous donors, to raise a total of $2000. Thank you Shelley for all that you do! We appreciate you!
Zoom Link for Rehearsal: You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
See you tomorrow night
P.S. Sorry for the duplicate announcement, but I did not include the details from Laura about the sectional tomorrow night. Also, there is a seating chart for rehearsal attached. Please see below:
Sectionals (6:45-7:25 PM):
S1 and A1 with Kay and Deb in the regular rehearsal space
S2 and A2 with Laura in the choir room (across the street)
Focus will be on these pieces: (happy to answer other questions, as well)
My Lord, What a Morning
Mēnestinis Naki Brauca
Song to the Moon
Lakutshon ‘Illanga
A seating chart for tomorrow’s rehearsal is attached. (Reminder – if someone feels that they need to sit on the perimeter of the room so that they can distance -they can do that, regardless of their seat assignment).
Thanks everyone!