Hello Everyone,
It was such fun to sing through our music together last night. We had some beautiful spots to celebrate but also some mud puddles to work through in our next three December rehearsals.
Here is how everyone can help to make those 3 rehearsals as productive as possible:
Email your section leader (A1s please copy Kay) regarding the questions you had as we rehearsed our music last night. If you would, please do that in the next few days so that the section leaders can get that information to me before our next rehearsal. If you are able to use the practice files to answer your own questions, please do so. I need to know the spots that you cannot work out on your own. I know the challenges that I heard in rehearsal last night and am making note of those, as well.
Kay let me know that some of the mezzos would appreciate being seated near one another. For our upcoming rehearsals, let’s please sit:
A2s to my right
A1s to my middle right with A1s who also sing mezzo in the front rows
S2s to my middle left with S2s who also sing mezzo in the front rows
S1s to my left
In the ‘before times’ I would have put out seating cards but that is not feasible in our current situation. Come in and sit where you think best and before we start signing we can make adjustments as needed.
I am sure you noted that for our rehearsals this fall I have been working a group of pieces each week and then alternating so that we have not been away from any piece for too long. I have a sense that we have not had enough repetition – we are losing ground that we had previously gained. I hope that everyone can commit to putting in some extra time to sing through our music in between rehearsals so that we have better retention of the material, especially pieces on which you feel particularly challenged.
Rehearsal Focus
Rise Up
– opening section rhythm for the S1s and S2s, We sang on the syllable ‘TAH’ for clarity.
– m. 69-86 reviewed reading in rhythm
– sang through all
Nothing Short of Grace
– note the quarters and the eighths and sing the appropriate note value (getting better at this)
– no ritard at the end
– sang through all
Storm Comin’
– rehearsed the body percussion. After rehearsal, several singers who were in marching band in high school (me, too!) requested that we step on our left first instead of our right. I was trying to go with what I imagined would be easiest for most…but since I got this specific request, I happily will shift to stepping on the LEFT on beat 1. So, same concept, but switch feet from what we rehearsed last night. Anytime a step is indicated on beat 1, step on the left foot.
– sang through all
Sing My Child
– rehearsed m. 62-74. Sopranos keep the tempo moving through this section, lower three parts, move with the soprano text, take note especially in m. 65 when the S2s and A1s move to your next pitch when the S1s sing ‘lights’ (beat 5 of the 7/8 measure). Breathe on the rests, otherwise, carry over the bar line.
– sang through all
Richer for Her
– be sure to look up at the fermatas/ends of phrases so that we can move forward together
– sang through all
She Who Makes Her Meaning Clear
– reviewed m. 50-56. This section should move forward after the rallentando in m. 48.
– sang though all
O Sister
– when phrases begin with a vowel, breathe in the shape of that vowel – in this case it is O. Practice singing this with a balanced onset (phonation begins with the exhalation)
– be mindful of beautiful choral vowels (always!)
– know when you have the melody and when you have the supporting phrase and make sure the melody shines through (we are listening for the alto part especially in mm. 23-30)
– sang through all
What the Heart Cannot Forget
– did not rehearse
How Can I Keep From Singing
– sang through page 10 to the end
Looking Forward to 12/6/21
I will review the section leader’s notes and address critical needs, otherwise plan to rehearse:
Rise Up
We will drill each section so that we can confidence as an ensemble.
Sing My Child
We will work on transitioning from one section to the next, especially mm. 18-19, mm. 26-27, mm. 38-39, mm. 53-54, mm. 61-62, mm. 74-75, mm. 104 to the end.
What the Heart Cannot Forget
We will focus on mm. 50-end
How Can I Keep From Singing
We will focus on mm. 4-59. mm. 4-19 will be in unison. On beat 3 of m. 19, altos drop out and be ready to sing your own part in m. 20.
Storm Comin’
We will cover as much ground as we can – don’t forget the switch of beat 1=step on your LEFT (not right).
Hope you have a wonderful week!