Hello Everyone,

I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. Yay us!

PLEASE CHECK THE PARTICIPANT LIST at the end of this email to make sure that I have included everyone who submitted recordings for Snow Angel 4. Sweet Child. Please email me immediately if you don’t see your name where you expect it because once I put our lovely faces in a grid I will be past the point of no return and I am working on the project now and hope to have it ready for Saturday. Thank you!

Our concert is Saturday, December 5th!
Here is a link to the program order https://gingerwyrick.com/program.pdf (it will last around 1 hour).
Register on our website under the Concert tab and feel free to share this information with your friends and family. There is no admission charge but everyone needs to register. Our collaborative Rise and Stand (110 singers!) will be the finale of the concert.

If you missed rehearsal, here is the link if you would like to see what we were up to in your absence. https://youtu.be/iUoXtkBYg6I

We focused on:

  • Snow Angel 1. Prologue and 2. Creatures of Light review – recordings are due 12/14/20. If you record on an iPhone 12, go into your settings and turn OFF HDR. Check last week’s email if you have any questions about project notes (dress, recording notes, etc. )
  • The Angel – Russian review and pitches and rhythms for the beginning through m. 10.
  • So Many Angels – We sang through this piece at the end of rehearsal.
  • The latter part of our rehearsal was spent on an Angel Gallery Q&A led by Kay.


Looking Ahead to 12/7

Continue to polish musical aspects of Snow Angel, movements 1 and 2. We will also rehearse movement 5.

Work on vowel shaping and singing with expressive faces led by our choral superstar, Laura D.

Sing through Izar Ederrak, and be introduced to the Basque pronunciation of the text by our choral superstar, Ayumi Nakamae.

We’ll continue our work on The Angel and focus on mm. 11-18. As Jasmine is available we will learn a new Russain phrase and also the pitches and rhythms for this section.

Our Angel Gallery work will continue in the latter part of rehearsal.

Looking Ahead to 12/14

We will polish the 5th movement of Snow Angel.

We will wrap up work on our Angel Gallery depending on what is accomplished on 12/7.

….and that’s all I currently have planned but will have more details next week.



Small Group:
Meg Berreth
Jenn Collins
Laura Delauney
Marsha Ferguson
Claire Hermann
Virginia Kraus
Lara Olson (audio only)
Shipra Patel
LJ Sam
Kimberly Slentz-Kesler
Rachel Spencer

Marty Crank
Meg Berreth
Karla Byrnes
Janet Huebner
LJ Sam
Tina Sanderford
Betty Schmacher
Doris Sigl
Jaclyn Walters
Leslie Wicker

Laura Cartier
Jeanne Condren
Nancy Donny
Leah Fell
Jan French
Kay Johnson
Lara Olson (audio only)
Pauline Robinson
Jasmine Trinks (audio only)
Jenny Vaughn

Hannah Andrews
Jenn Collins
Patty Daniel
Marsha Ferguson
Shelley Hedtke
Virginia Kraus
Anne Menkens
Ayumi Nakamae
Shipra Patel
Julia Rogers
Diane Wold

Laura Delauney
Claire Herman
Kathleen Jasinskas
Brystana Kaufman
Lauren Keller
Katie Shrieves
Rachel Spencer