Dear Singers,
WVC link here!
WVC Links and Rehearsal Information
Need the Zoom link or want to know plans for upcoming rehearsals? Visit the Calendar page in the members section of the website. The Zoom link is at the top of the page. The schedule is available both as a pdf and in our google calendar and is updated weekly. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find instructions for linking the WVC Google Calendar to your personal calendar – each week’s info, including the zoom link, will show up on your phone, tablet, or computer.
Angel Gallery
Thanks to those of you who’ve already prepared a submission for our Angel Gallery. Since we moved our Angel Gallery question and answer period to this Monday (with a little time afterwards for those groups who might need it,) we plan to listen to the Drafts on Monday, December 6. Any completed projects are welcome in draft form to me by Sunday, December 5. While these are short, we want to be able to estimate how much time we’ll need to listen and share production ideas, so be sure and let me know if you have a piece, picture or photo to share!
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President