Dear Singers,

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!   There will NOT be a sectional before rehearsal tomorrow night, but Laura will be available during that time if you have specific questions or difficulties that require her assistance. This rehearsal, Laura will focus on Izar Ederrak, Par’o era Estrellero and When You Wish Upon a Star, so if you have limited time to look over your music before rehearsal, focus on these 3 pieces in preparation for rehearsal tomorrow night.

  • Giving Tuesday on November 29th – Please share our e-news for Giving Tuesday with family and friends via email or through Facebook.  We are fortunate to have a group of generous supporters who have offered matching funds for the first $1000 donated! Thank you to Shelley T and Anne for organizing this fundraising opportunity and to Amy G for reviewing the final copy.  We are grateful for the seamless teamwork!
  • WVC T-shirts available to purchase for $20 each – we have 1 small, 4 mediums, 4 larges, 6 extra larges, 2 XX larges, and 2 XXX larges, in various colors (see attachment for the available colors). More specifically, Black with blue writing: 1 small, 1 medium, 1 large, 3 extra-large, 1 XX large, 1 XXX large. Blue with black writing: 3 medium, 3 large, 2 extra-large, 1 XX large, 1 XXX large. Tie-dye: 1 extra-large. Shirts will be available tomorrow night at rehearsal!
  • Rehearsal for the First Fridays at the Orange County Arts Commission in Hillsborough at Eno Arts Mill on December 2nd after our regular rehearsal (from 9:30-10) tomorrow night. Laura has posted recordings of the music, as well as pronunciations on the website for your review. HTank you, Laura!  Women’s Voices Chorus is scheduled to sing at 7PM (6:40 PM Call).
  • Diversity Committee – First Meeting will be Sunday, December 4th.  If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact our Chair, Rachel Bowman-Abdi (S1).
  • Holiday Social on December 19th – Please plan to bring a goodie to share at our rehearsal that evening (cookies, chocolates, etc) to celebrate the upcoming holidays! More details to follow.
  • Program Ads – Please let Sheila know if you have sold any ads for our upcoming concert
  • Concert Tickets. Envelopes were passed out last week.  If you missed rehearsal, please see your Membership Liaison for your tickets.  If you have any questions, reach out to Allison Mangin (S2), our Ticket Manager. All unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, Jan 16. 
  •        Tiara/Toaster this week:  This week’s award goes to Anne Menkens.  Anne sang with WVC from 1995 until 2007 and we are so thankful that she found her way back to us in 2020.   Anne is the Chair of Fund Development and has been doing a phenomenal job pursuing new opportunities to raise funds for Women’s Voices Chorus.  If you are interested in grant writing, general fundraising, or event planning, please consider joining Anne on the Fund Development Committee.  Her enthusiasm, organizational skills, and innate talent are sure to lead to a successful outcome, but many hands make light work!  Thank you, Anne, for your leadership!

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

See you all tomorrow night!