Hello Everyone,
I have a few announcements in addition to what Kay sent out earlier today (thanks, Kay!).
Deb will be celebrating with family so Gwen Hall will be with us as our accompanist for the evening. She is driving in from Asheboro to join us (yay Gwen!).
I am trying a different seating order tomorrow so look for your cards when you come in. Once we start rehearsal I will send an envelope down the row for you to put your cards inside.
Below is a tentative concert order. We will rehearse tomorrow in this order, except that we will save the Chamber Choir pieces until our 9:30 rehearsal.
A Path to Each Other – Jocelyn Hagen and Timothy Takach (memorized)
My People Are Rising – Carol Burnett
I Sing That My Voice May Be Heard – Gwen McLeod Hall
Shule Agra – Judith Watson (Chamber Choir)
Nada te Turbe – Joan Szymko (Chamber Choir)
1941 – Andrea Ramsey
The Peace of Wild Things – Sean Ivory
Swing Low: A Spiritual Medley – arr. Rosephanye Powell
Faith is the Bird That Feels the Light – Elizabeth Alexander
The Tree of Peace – Gwyneth Walker
Now Let Me Fly – Stacey V. Gibbs (memorized 12/2)
The Valley – arr. Beth Hanson (memorized 12/9)
You probably noticed that I omitted The Imaginary Garden from our concert order. If we need to leave this piece out, we will sing it in the spring. It will fit nicely with either our January or our April concert theme. Either way, I chose to leave it off of our rehearsal list for tomorrow.
I will aim for us to take a short break after The Peace of Wild Things.
I am looking forward to hearing where we are on everything and I hope that we will remember many of the polishing details we have been working on together this fall.