Minutes of the last meeting: These were approved. In future, a summary version of the minutes will be produced for publication to the members site.
[spoiler title=”Artistic”]Artistic Director Items (20 min)
February concert: The terms offered by Catawba College were not good, so this concert will not take place.
Mid-season resignations: There have been four of these this semester, all for health reasons.
Spring retreat: Possible dates are February 27 (preferred) or March 20.
[spoiler title=”Finances”]Finance report Second payments on dues were due this month, and most have been collected. Mailing costs (first class postage this time) were split between Publicity and Fund Development ($1300 each). Fewer than twenty brochures were returned for bad addresses.
The 990 EZ tax form has been filed and the IRS acknowledged its receipt.
We received tax-exempt status from the state of North Carolina.
[spoiler title=”Committees & More”]Committee Reports
The committee will meet on December 6.
Fund Development
Grants: Sue Regier is working on the Orange County grant.
Friend raiser: The contract for the venue has been signed and a budget produced. Shelley, Judy and a number of others have pitched in and things have gone well.
Grocery gift cards: There are 12/40 Food Lion and 27/40 Lowe’s cards left.
WeCare.com: there have been only 3 transactions. Marge will send a reminder to social chairs, and plans to demonstrate, with a computer, at a future rehearsal.
Article II of the bylaws, the last section, is completed. It was approved unanimously
Logistics No problems.
In reach: Franzi asked the Social Chairs to bring occasions of need or celebration to her attention.
Graphic Designer: A plan to select a new graphic designer, using publicity for the Friend Raiser as a trial, was discussed and approved.
Mailing Maven: Judy has volunteered.
Stuffing Plan: No exchanges have been identified, but research is ongoing.
Cyber Song (e-mail newsletter): Allan agreed to supply content. A quarterly schedule is included in the Mailing Plan.
Music No report.
Covered elsewhere in the agenda.
Volunteers: —
Other business
We discussed the possibility of arranging pre- or post-concert events with composers.
Karla was authorized to arrange a door prize for people who turn in their addresses at the concert.
[spoiler title=”Next Meetings”]Future meetings
December 17, Shelley’s house
January 14, Marge’s house, Sue will provide refreshments
February 18, Allan’s house[/spoiler]